2020-01-07 Meeting notes

2020-01-07 Meeting notes





Actions from last meeting

  • Kate Lynch work on Valkyrie roadmap and distribute - UPDATE INCOMING
  • Julie Allinson work on text of Samvera roadmap/planning document survey to be sent out before the end of 2019, re-send Hyrax PO CFP email/Slack messages
  • Rob Kaufman begin steps for reaching out to individuals for Hyrax PO role

Discussion items

10 minRole of Chair
  • Some confusion over the role
  • Responsibilities:
    • Getting items and creating agenda
    • Overseeing the progress of the goals we set as a group
    • Reporting out at the point where the chairs transition at the end of three months
10 minRoadmaps

What are we going to do with those?

  1. What are the planning cycles and how might that inform community roadmaps?
  2. What formats are those roadmaps in and can be create a useful 'super' template?
  3. What's in the plans, are people working independently on the same features? how might we facilitate collaboration?
  4. Group and publish the submitted roadmaps, establish a mechanism for doing that manually
5 minsReclamation Project

Rob Kaufman has an idea for getting stuff back into core - that's one way we can start using the data from the above and might be the focus for the second quarter

5 minAnnual GoalsJulie Allinson
  1. Analysis of roadmaps and planning cycles, towards a centralized roadmap that aligns with individual roadmaps
  2. Facilitating getting code back into core, identifying features, talking to individuals, organising support for 'code reclamation'
  3. Improving communication into and out of the roadmap council, increasing collaboration across the community and helping facilitate 'asks'.

Action items

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