| Review goals for 2020 - Populate Roadmaps Alignment document
- Community Manager onboarding and facilitation
- Codify PO process
- New Valkyrie PO
- Code Reclamation Project advancement
| Kate | - Keep populating the roadmaps alignment document
- Getting Heather's help—how can we reach out to community, make sure everyone knows where to look for information and how to present their own information
- Onboarding facilitation
- Anything we can provide to Heather
- Codifying the new PO process
- New Valkyrie PO
- Code Reclamation Project
- Trying to solve 2 essential problems
- Many devs who have trouble interacting with the stack
- But once your get your first PR approved, then the scond comes easy
- Applications in the wild will fully-formed features that are functioning that everyone wants and can't get, for whatever reason
- There's a group in the community that are contributing back and being upfront, others have realities such as time, budget etc. and don't contribute code and features back
- Taking those two problems, and try to make a solution that tackles both of them
- Get mentors, look for people who want to contribute cross-institution, pair them up together, and have them go bring in features from another application
- This will distribute the load
- DOI implementations as a great example—lots of them out there
- Next time someone needs DOI, do this and make it a gem for the community — that's the goal
- You need a first follower for things to get traction
- Need to get a sign-up form out, and do it very low-key initially
- Rob: we need a logo, and then we do t-shirts for people who sign up
- There's a document somewhere about this that Rob can find and provide