2022-09-21 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes
Sep 21, 2022
@Heather Greer Klein
@Kait Sewell
@Kiah Stroud
@Bess Sadler (regrets)
@Juliet Hardesty
@tamsin johnson (regrets)
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
Chair or facilitator? | Kait volunteered to chair after October |
Connect presentation | Kiah will present, and chair in the meantime Heather to create outline and share with team |
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b6DDiikSwo_kOUbU_3htLVc_gsp3PPFvzMzu2QIdUJk/edit?usp=sharing What should be templatized, weeded, etc? Where should we start? | Index in Confluence can flag things we know to be out of date, READMEs, etc. Kait will mock up in Google docs. Nothing else has to be weeded. A few things need to be merged. Discussed a few items and updated the spreadsheet. Get Koppie documentation/both test app options (Dassie) into container.md (PR with change in the repo)
Next steps for https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XIMAUi7kQj7rmQIP3W5nFggFn5BfLh67TwYEPn5yKfw/edit?usp=sharing documentation review/update | Added to and updated roadmap Breaking down Phase 2 into smaller parts and prioritizing Hyrax README updates first. Kiah to update roadmap to illustrate smaller phases. |
Next steps for pattern and practice guidance | Goal post of Jan. 2023 for creating this ongoing maintenance documentation |
Other items |