2019-01-29 Meeting Notes and Agenda
2019-01-29 Meeting Notes and Agenda
Meeting ID: 688 749 301
Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
Global Numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers
Room System or bjn.vc
Facilitator: Julie Allinson
Note taker: Benjamin Armintor
- New items
- White paper - current status - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RBQPRIsJTG7NvgdOqJCsmE6RdsKHmSjrRFjrUF6qXnw/edit#
- Re-examine the charter: does it represent the group as it is now?
- Planning session for future meetings
- Do we want standing agenda points?
- What are the pieces of work for the year ahead
- Maintaining a Turnkey Hyrax - via Steering (Julie)
- Establishing resourcing needs - via Steering (Julie)
- Who is using what, surveying the adopters (hyrax, hyku, avalon, roll-your-own) - building on Nabeela's work on the new wiki pages - via Steering (Julie)
- What should be accomplished for or by the next Samvera Connect conference?
- White Paper
- Julie Allinson thinks could have a draft ready to review for next week
- but would like some input about titles
- and any other contributions!
- Julie Allinson thinks could have a draft ready to review for next week
- Charter
- need to link to the WG page for notes?
- feedback from governance/SG?
- Julie: not especially, but some agenda items are resultant
- suggestion to create info boxes for WGs
- Planned activities for 2019?
- Nabeela discussing problem of various project plans, see also Scope & Objectives in charter (cf collections extensions sprint)
- Review current WGs?
- CCMWG: Closing CFP, starting meetings
- Hyrax
- Full team for work on permissions
- Oregon Digital putting a CFP out on batch editing
- Valkyrie work fully resourced
- Barriers to "central"/reusable contributions might impair resourcing
- Identifying potentially useful "private" projects/features and reclaiming them – who might do this?
- SvT coordinating with Repo Managers and UX WGs for issue prioritization - this overlaps with current Hyrax roadmap
- Rob K: would like to incorporate Metadata WG input into product planning
- Jon: would like to see a format convergence for roadmaps
- Julie: Hyrax roadmap useful here as possible template
- How to usefully talk about things a year or more out - seems less useful to have that time frame pushed down to individual projects
- discussion of RMC as "technical committee" for SG
- Ben is of questionable use as a contributor while he takes notes
- Action Items
- Steve: update Hyrax Roadmap
- Julie: summarize prospective RMC activities in wiki
- Rob: publish Hyku roadmap
- Jon: adapt Avalon roadmap to Hyrax style and publish
- Ben/Mark: report back to RMC with CCMWG plans
- Planning next meeting for 12 February
- maybe plan to write up or find "turn key" hyrax for SG?
- Is this Nürax?
- Nabeela: we should delegate this kind of work
- "reclamation group" feature identification
- maybe plan to write up or find "turn key" hyrax for SG?
- Question about whether Hyrax relationship to potential org wide roles, if it is "flagship" or "core" offering
- What should be accomplished by Connect 2019? Julie has some ideas, particularly about resourcing
- Next Meeting: 12 February 2019
- Facilitator: Nabeela, Notes: Steve
Next Meeting
Note taker:
, multiple selections available,
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