Roadmaps Alignment

Roadmaps Alignment


A centralized shared space to capture individual partner institutions roadmap features aligned with other partners. The partners can refer to this resource for planning and developing new features, and possibly collaborate with other partner organizations on the shared feature developments.

Objectives and Goals:

  • Create a centralized, easy to update wiki page with a list of features and the names of the partner institutions who are planning or are interested in the implementation

  • Create a  lightweight centralized roadmap for Samvera products, starting with Hyrax

  • Help with the alignment of roadmaps among the partners.

Image / Audio-Visual; media processing; IIIF; Universal Viewer

Project or Software Name 

Institution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done | Now | Soon | Later]


Customized IIIF manifest generation (support for preferred image display logic, access controls, providing additional download files, and metadata display) and dynamic Universal Viewer configuration

Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu 
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3 customization; images and text (AV support pending)
Co-developed with DCE
AV support in IIIF (extending prior customizations)Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu 
Aug 2020Soon
Avalon IIIF Media Player Indiana University, Northwestern UniversityNov 2020soonA react-based version of the Avalon IIIF player along with a plugin architecture for added features. This player will be able to be used on existing Hyrax sites, Avalon, or custom built sites. 

Highly generalized Universal Viewer IIIF functionality

Princeton Universityescowles at princeton dot edu; katelynch at princeton dot eduMarch 2021


 inVideo support in Universal Viewer IIIF

Princeton Universityescowles at princeton dot edu; katelynch at princeton dot eduMarch 2021Before end of 2021
Possible future switch to Mirador when it has feature parity with Universal Viewer
Princeton Universityescowles at princeton dot edu; katelynch at princeton dot eduMarch 2021Soon

Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap

Bulk Import/Export

Project or Software Name
Institution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done |  Now | Soon | Later]


CSV-based bulk import support for complex objects (preservation source files and derivatives)

Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu 
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3 + Zizia importer (developed by DCE)
Deep Blue Data – Yaml-based bulk export and import using rake tasksUniversity of Michigan

Fritz Freiheit

fritx at umich.edu

October 21st, 2020DoneThis mechanism was used during the upgrade from Hyrax v1 to v2 with a full export then import of all Collections, Works, and File Sets
USDA ESMIS Cornell University

John Fereira 

jaf30 at cornell.edu

March 28, 2021DoneRest API to to post content  from a relational database to "Publication" data model

Bulk ingest functionality specific to internal repository (Figgy)

Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021


METS bulk ingester native to internal repository

Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021DoneMETS functionality could be useful to others, but the Valkyrie functionality would be very different in Hyrax than it is in Figgy

Ingest metadata from CSV (Figgy) (Now)

Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done

Bulk export of PDFs or page images internal repository (Figgy)

Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done
Export HathiTrust content packages and metadata, integrated with internal repository (Figgy)Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done

Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap

Analytics / Metrics

Project or Software NameInstitution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done |  Now | Soon | Later]


Reporting customizations: count of ingested files by CollectionEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu 
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3
Fixity check reporting enhancementsEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020Soon/LaterWe currently receive fixity check notifications via Hyrax 3, but notifications of failures only send to the original depositor
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Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap

Preservation Features

Project or Software NameInstitution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done |  Now | Soon | Later]


FileSet extension (support for preservation source files and additional derivatives within a Set)Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3
Fixity checking (rolling and on-demand in UI)Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu 
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3 + Fedora 4
Preservation Events and metadataEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3 + Fedora 4; support for virus scanning, multiple checksums generation, characterization/technical metadata extraction, file submission, validation, fixity checks, policy assignment events
Preservation Workflows metadataEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020DoneHyrax 3 + Fedora 4; initial support for major lifecycle activities (Accessioning, Ingest, Decommissioning, Deletion)
Object and FileSet Versioning; OCFL supportEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020Soon/Later
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Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap

Mar 2021

Access Controls / Permissions

Project or Software Name
Institution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done | Now | Soon | Later]


Tiered access controls (support for full/reduced resolution, IP restrictions, university users only)Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020Soon/LaterHyrax 3 + Cantaloupe
(developed with DCE)
Expansion of tiered access controls including AV supportEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020Soon
Expansion of access control -  IP addressing, Avalon-style date-based accessIndiana UniversityJon Cameron
March 2021Soon/LaterHyrax 3, as part of continuing work to rewrite Avalon as a Hyrax-based app

Controlled Digital Lending visibility check in repository for embedded viewer; Object-level visibility check in metadata

Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done
Access terms click-through agreement for embedded viewer from repositoryPrinceton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Soon
GraphQL query for visibility of contentPrinceton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done

Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap


Project or Software NameInstitution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done | Now | Soon | Later]


DLP Curate - integration with Alma MARC record exports for bulk importEmory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020DoneDeveloped with DCE
DLP Curate - integration with campus HR/identity data information Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020Later
DLP Curate - integration with Interfolio Faculty 180Emory UniversityEmily Porter
eporter at emory.edu
Aug 2020Later

Import descriptive metadata into repository from OPAC or EAD based on source metadata identifiers

Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021


Arclight implementation, integration with internal repository (Figgy)
Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done
Minting arks in internal repository (Figgy) that are referenced/integrated with other systems
Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done

Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap
Project or Software NameInstitution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done | Now | Soon | Later]


Deep Blue Data- Browse Works and FilesUniversity of MichiganNabeela Jaffer 
July 27, 2020Now
USDA ESMIS systemCornell University

John Fereira

jaf30 at cornell.edu

March 28, 2021DoneRead/Write API used for data migration from legacy system, posting of content to the repo by stakeholder, and system integration by registered users
GraphQL queries for content in internal repository (Figgy)Princeton UniversityEsmé Cowles; Kate LynchMarch 2021Done

Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap
GLOBUS Integration
Project or Software Name
Institution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done |  Now | Soon | Later]


Deep Blue Data – Export works to GLOBUSUniversity of Michigan

Fritz Freiheit

fritx at umich.edu

October 21st, 2020DoneCopy to Globus is done via an asynchronous job with the requesting user(s) being informed by email when the copy is complete.
Duke Research Data RepositoryDuke UniversityMoira Downey moira.downey at duke.eduFebruary 1st, 2021DoneGlobus is used to submit files for data curation and to download dataset/files larger than 2GB. 
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Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap
Project or Software NameInstitution or Company NameContact Person Name and Email


[ Done |  Now | Soon | Later]


Deep Blue Data – Scheduler to run jobs using a yaml fileUniversity of Michigan

Fritz Freiheit

fritx at umich.edu

October 21st, 2020DoneThe un-Embargo feature is implemented using the scheduler.
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Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap
<Add Feature Title Here>
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[ Done |  Now | Soon | Later]


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Now = Next two quarters;  Soon = Next year; Later = High Interest but not on our immediate roadmap

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