December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


  • Karen Cariani (Facilitator)

  • Mark Bussey (Notetaker)

  • Richard Green - University of Hull
  • Ray Lubinski - University of Virginia
  • Eben English - Boston Public Library
  • Linda Newman - University of Cincinatti
  • Rick Johnson - University of Notre Dame
  • Mark Notess - Indiana University
  • Steven DiDomenico - Northwestern University
  • Will Cowan - Indiana University
  • Chris Awre - Univesity of Hull

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks 
  2. Call for Agenda Items
  3. Next Call
    1. Date: January 10th, 2014 
    2. Facilitator:  Adam Wead (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame)
    3. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo?
  4. Standing Community TODOs
    1. Next Partner meetings
      1. January event: January 2014 Agenda and Notes.
        1. Straw Schedule for Hydra Connect 2014
        2. 49 people/22 institutions on the wiki list - four partners currently missing; 27 people have bought tickets (as at 1600 GMT Dec 13th).  Richard will send a reminder of the need to register early next week.
        3. Tom agreed to put in place a block booking with the Sheraton but we have no details yet
      2. 2014: regional Hydra event in UK/Ireland 
        1. Chris A. and Richard G. contacting adopters and potential adopters to gauge level of interest and identify potential host sites.  Details to be settled on early in 2014.
      3. LibDevConX / Partner meeting
        1. Dates still pending (most likely week before or week after Easter Week)
    2. Training
      1. HydraCamp US hosts being sought for Spring and Fall 2014, European hosts being sought for 
    3. Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan: where are we? are we on track?
      1. Planning have session covering Strategic Plan at HydraConnect
  5. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
    1. Case Western Reserve University has expressed in becoming a partner and will be attending HydraConnect
    2. Princeton University has expressed in becoming a partner and will be attending HydraConnect
    3. Ohio State has had conversations with Notre Dame and expressed interest
    4. UC Berkley - strong interest in Fedora, potential interest in Hydra 
    5. Duoc UC (http://www.duoc.cl) - Chile - visited Stanford and expressed interest in Hydra
    6.  Dime-SHS, are a lab in Paris associated with the sciences-po university,
  6. Website Updates 
    1. No major updates, will be doing updates after the new year to freshen site before HydraConnect
  7. Anti-Harassment Policy Adoption
    1. Mark to send out a final call for comment on Monday 12/16 with a call for comments and consensus ( +1 / 0 / -1 ) from partners by Friday 12/20, 
    2. Contingent on partner consensus, the Steering Group will officially approve the Policy
  8. Hydramata Project
    1. Project partner institutions finalizing project roles, process, and tools
      1. Notre Dame, Northwestern, Indiana University, University of Virginia, Cincinnati, DCE
    2. Next release goals finalized this week
    3. Most recent Sprint kicked off yesterday (runs through Winter holiday and ends Jan 3).