August 11, 2017 Samvera Partner Call

August 11, 2017 Samvera Partner Call


Samver Partners Call (August 2017)
Friday, August 11, 2017
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

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Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
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+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Facilitator: Rick Johnson
Notetaker:  Steve Van Tuyl



  1. Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.) No roll call, but please add your name to attendees list below.
  2. Welcome new (to be formally announced next week) Partner: University of Houston Libraries
  3. Facilitator and notetaker for Sept 8th, 2017 Call and call for future presenters (1-2 min) 
    1. Linda Newman (Notes)
    2. Andrew Rouner (Moderate)
  4. Samvera Connect updates - Karen Estlund (out on vacation arouner filling in)
    1. Program Committee has been formed
      1. Most updates are on the linked program committee page
      2. Going to have one more call for proposed sessions
      3. Hoping to address the bepress situation specifically by highlighting relevant sessions
        1. Simeon Warner - suggests Birds of a Feather session on the bepress topic
        2. Committee had discussed a workshop for those interested
        3. newmanld - institutions like Cinci that are looking to start a university press would also be interested
        4. Might be worthwhile to get folks together who have been contacted by bepress partners to sort out what can be done to inform them
        5. Noted that Samvera Connect is open and welcoming
        6. Targeted workshop might be a way to make it easy for newcomers 
        7. What is the procedure for making a workshop happen?
          1. gets proposed just like anything else
          2. Steve Van Tuyl volunteers to help lead/organize the workshop and posted the workshop idea to the program suggestions page
    2. Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program
    3. Scholarships
      1. Scholarship Committee Formation (Karen Estlund)
      2. Other details
        1. Working on generating criteria for the scholarship program
        2. Maria Whitaker - committee is organizing now to sort out how to proceed
  5. Any Updates on Samvera Governance models group (i.e.,"Defining roles, responsibilities, and decision-making frameworks") - Mike Giarlo

    1. Please review this message from evviva to samvera-partners: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/samvera-partners/duIfDT58fNg
    2. partner meeting the Thursday afternoon and Friday of Samvera Connect
    3. topic of governance is the only item on the agenda for that partner's meeting
    4. History:
      1. at DLF a few partners informally discussed the need for more investment in shared resources/code
      2. at LDCX in March, Partners discussed this at length (breakout groups, ideas for clarification of governance, how do new partners know what the expectations are, etc.)
      3. After LDCX a handful of Partners continued the discussion and:
        1. Documented current model
        2. Look at other OSS governance models
        3. Have begun mapping our community onto some of the most promising of these other models
        4. Evviva's message indicates the timeline for moving forward
    5. Also: take a look at the #governance-models slack channel for more discussion and pinned documents
  6. Call for Expressions of Interest in Hosting Samvera Connect 2018 or 2019 (Richard Green)
    1. want to try to get ahead of ourselves for coming years given the amount of work involved
    2. asking, at this point, for expression of interest (but not commitment) as a starting point
    3. a couple of institutions have expressed interest already, but steering would like to open the door for others, too
    4. please let Steering know by two weeks from today, if possible
    5. Q: the email suggests a plenary room that can hold ~300 people, does that need to be bigger?
      1. 260 attendees in boston
      2. 350-400 would be great, but the size of the conference may be constrained by the facilities we can get our hands on
  7. Short Presentation: Fulcrum - Samvera-based Scholarly Publishing Platform at the University of Michigan (Melissa Baker-Young, Jon McGlone)
    1.  Fulcrum is a publishing platform that helps publishers with their process and display of content
    2. Supported by a 3 year Mellon grant, working with 5 presses as pilots
    3. Not:
      1. do not have plans to support editorial management
    4. Phases:
      1. Now to spring 2018 - 
        1. focused on requirements of the Mellon grant, making supplementary materials available for books (images, video, audio, etc.)
        2. also includes a born digital title that integrates narrative with 3D model and database
      2. spring 2018-august 2018 (??)
        1. pull in titles from other presses (I missed some of this, fill in details, please)
        2. full realization of epub reader and integration of supplementary materials into the epub
      3. august 2018-january 2019
        1. move toward building michigan's ebook collection
        2. this is a product that can be subscribed to by libraries (i may have gotten that wrong)
      4. beyond jan 2019
        1. begin providing support for journals
        2. using Michigan's journal titles as a pilot for building out journal support
    5. Questions:
      1. is Fulcrum being developed as a hosted product and also as a locally hosted platform?
        1. plan right now is to offer a hosted service
        2. code is OS so someone can take it and run as they see fit
      2. Mention earlier in the call to create a list of digital commons migrators - fulcrum folks have received a number of such contacts and would be willing to share.
  8. Futures for Samvera amidst recent landscape changes (e.g., BePress) → topics for Samvera Connect (hint: suggest through link above) 
    1. Tom Cramer - one of the things that happened when E acquired SSRN is that there was discussion about what alternatives existed
      1. probably a good idea to coordinate discussion and information sharing about whether Samvera products are appropriate
    2. Simeon Warner - there are probably a few products that fit the bill, but specifically Digital Commons is used both as an IR and/or as a Publishing Platform
    3. Robin Lindley Ruggaber - UVA folks have expressed interest
    4. Tom Cramer - has anyone seen or done a comparison of bepress vs samvera features
      1. Simeon Warner did a comparison in 2015 with sufia and are in the process of revamping that comparison
      2. Simeon will look into sharing that, if possible
      3. It would be helpful to have a community reference base for this comparison
      4. From a digital repository (IR) perspective, Hyku is a decent replacement, but for publishing it is a little more challenging, though the digital commons publishing platform isn't especially flashy, just mostly functional
    5. Michael Joseph Giarlo had done some analysis of how close Hyku could be to being a functional equivalent
      1. Mike recently attended a PNW IR User Group meeting with a whole bunch of bepress users 
      2. Library Loon (blog/twitter) - recently posted about what bepress is and isn't - https://gavialib.com/2017/08/what-was-bepress/
      3. Hyku would still need:
        1. Author Profiles
        2. DOI integration
        3. ORCID integration
        4. Analytics and visualizations thereof including The Map (Analytics group is working on this)
        5. Email notifications (particularly around analytics, e.g., # of downloads/views over the past month)
        6. (This was not raised in the meeting but I'd to add another important feature bepress has: it also aggregates works from all its customers by discipline etc., i.e. http://network.bepress.com/arts-and-humanities/american-studies/american-literature/.  Could Samvera installations similarly aggregate data, or could it be done through the DPLA?) 
      4. Post this synopsis onto the wiki? Michael Joseph Giarlo will do so Steve Van Tuyl will help
        1. Started here: Digital Commons Feature Matrix
      5. May want to expand the comparison a bit to other potential platforms for bepress customers
        1. include OJS
      6. Are we actively trying to convince people to migrate to samvera?
  9. Other news
    1. Slack Team has new URL:    samvera.slack.com. Please confirm your client still works. Slack archive at samvera.slackarchive.io.
    2. EZID: DOI creation migrating in coming year to DataCite: http://blogs.lib.purdue.edu/news/2017/08/04/ezid-doi-service-is-evolving/.  Have started talking with Michael Witt at Purdue about next steps for Samvera.
      1. next step is probably to figure out who all should be on a call with ezid/datacite
        1. duke
        2. stanford
        3. cincinnati
        4. others interested? contact Rick Johnson
  10. For next month's Samvera Partner call, Sept 8 [ blank ] will take notes, and [ blank ] will facilitate.


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