August 11, 2017 Samvera Partner Call
August 11, 2017 Samvera Partner Call
Samver Partners Call (August 2017) |
Friday, August 11, 2017 |
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr |
Meeting number: | 737 192 431 |
Meeting password: | h9cwrT45 |
Join from a video conferencing system or application |
Dial 738605799@tufts.webex.com |
Join by phone |
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll |
Access code: 737 192 431 |
Facilitator: Rick Johnson
Notetaker: Steve Van Tuyl
- Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.) No roll call, but please add your name to attendees list below.
- Welcome new (to be formally announced next week) Partner: University of Houston Libraries
- Facilitator and notetaker for Sept 8th, 2017 Call and call for future presenters (1-2 min)
- Linda Newman (Notes)
- Andrew Rouner (Moderate)
- Samvera Connect updates - Karen Estlund (out on vacation arouner filling in)
- Program Committee has been formed
- Most updates are on the linked program committee page
- Going to have one more call for proposed sessions
- Hoping to address the bepress situation specifically by highlighting relevant sessions
- Simeon Warner - suggests Birds of a Feather session on the bepress topic
- Committee had discussed a workshop for those interested
- newmanld - institutions like Cinci that are looking to start a university press would also be interested
- Might be worthwhile to get folks together who have been contacted by bepress partners to sort out what can be done to inform them
- Noted that Samvera Connect is open and welcoming
- Targeted workshop might be a way to make it easy for newcomers
- What is the procedure for making a workshop happen?
- gets proposed just like anything else
- Steve Van Tuyl volunteers to help lead/organize the workshop and posted the workshop idea to the program suggestions page
- Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program
- Scholarships
- Scholarship Committee Formation (Karen Estlund)
- Other details
- Working on generating criteria for the scholarship program
- Maria Whitaker - committee is organizing now to sort out how to proceed
- Program Committee has been formed
Any Updates on Samvera Governance models group (i.e.,"Defining roles, responsibilities, and decision-making frameworks") - Mike Giarlo
- Please review this message from evviva to samvera-partners: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/samvera-partners/duIfDT58fNg
- partner meeting the Thursday afternoon and Friday of Samvera Connect
- topic of governance is the only item on the agenda for that partner's meeting
- History:
- at DLF a few partners informally discussed the need for more investment in shared resources/code
- at LDCX in March, Partners discussed this at length (breakout groups, ideas for clarification of governance, how do new partners know what the expectations are, etc.)
- After LDCX a handful of Partners continued the discussion and:
- Documented current model
- Look at other OSS governance models
- Have begun mapping our community onto some of the most promising of these other models
- Evviva's message indicates the timeline for moving forward
- Also: take a look at the #governance-models slack channel for more discussion and pinned documents
- Call for Expressions of Interest in Hosting Samvera Connect 2018 or 2019 (Richard Green)
- want to try to get ahead of ourselves for coming years given the amount of work involved
- asking, at this point, for expression of interest (but not commitment) as a starting point
- a couple of institutions have expressed interest already, but steering would like to open the door for others, too
- please let Steering know by two weeks from today, if possible
- Q: the email suggests a plenary room that can hold ~300 people, does that need to be bigger?
- 260 attendees in boston
- 350-400 would be great, but the size of the conference may be constrained by the facilities we can get our hands on
- Short Presentation: Fulcrum - Samvera-based Scholarly Publishing Platform at the University of Michigan (Melissa Baker-Young, Jon McGlone)
- Fulcrum is a publishing platform that helps publishers with their process and display of content
- Supported by a 3 year Mellon grant, working with 5 presses as pilots
- Not:
- do not have plans to support editorial management
- Phases:
- Now to spring 2018 -
- focused on requirements of the Mellon grant, making supplementary materials available for books (images, video, audio, etc.)
- also includes a born digital title that integrates narrative with 3D model and database
- spring 2018-august 2018 (??)
- pull in titles from other presses (I missed some of this, fill in details, please)
- full realization of epub reader and integration of supplementary materials into the epub
- august 2018-january 2019
- move toward building michigan's ebook collection
- this is a product that can be subscribed to by libraries (i may have gotten that wrong)
- beyond jan 2019
- begin providing support for journals
- using Michigan's journal titles as a pilot for building out journal support
- Now to spring 2018 -
- Questions:
- is Fulcrum being developed as a hosted product and also as a locally hosted platform?
- plan right now is to offer a hosted service
- code is OS so someone can take it and run as they see fit
- Mention earlier in the call to create a list of digital commons migrators - fulcrum folks have received a number of such contacts and would be willing to share.
- is Fulcrum being developed as a hosted product and also as a locally hosted platform?
- Futures for Samvera amidst recent landscape changes (e.g., BePress) → topics for Samvera Connect (hint: suggest through link above)
- Tom Cramer - one of the things that happened when E acquired SSRN is that there was discussion about what alternatives existed
- probably a good idea to coordinate discussion and information sharing about whether Samvera products are appropriate
- Simeon Warner - there are probably a few products that fit the bill, but specifically Digital Commons is used both as an IR and/or as a Publishing Platform
- Robin Lindley Ruggaber - UVA folks have expressed interest
- Tom Cramer - has anyone seen or done a comparison of bepress vs samvera features
- Simeon Warner did a comparison in 2015 with sufia and are in the process of revamping that comparison
- Simeon will look into sharing that, if possible
- It would be helpful to have a community reference base for this comparison
- From a digital repository (IR) perspective, Hyku is a decent replacement, but for publishing it is a little more challenging, though the digital commons publishing platform isn't especially flashy, just mostly functional
- Michael Joseph Giarlo had done some analysis of how close Hyku could be to being a functional equivalent
- Mike recently attended a PNW IR User Group meeting with a whole bunch of bepress users
- Library Loon (blog/twitter) - recently posted about what bepress is and isn't - https://gavialib.com/2017/08/what-was-bepress/
- Hyku would still need:
- Author Profiles
- DOI integration
- ORCID integration
- Analytics and visualizations thereof including The Map (Analytics group is working on this)
- Email notifications (particularly around analytics, e.g., # of downloads/views over the past month)
- (This was not raised in the meeting but I'd to add another important feature bepress has: it also aggregates works from all its customers by discipline etc., i.e. http://network.bepress.com/arts-and-humanities/american-studies/american-literature/. Could Samvera installations similarly aggregate data, or could it be done through the DPLA?)
- Post this synopsis onto the wiki? Michael Joseph Giarlo will do so Steve Van Tuyl will help
- Started here: Digital Commons Feature Matrix
- May want to expand the comparison a bit to other potential platforms for bepress customers
- include OJS
- Are we actively trying to convince people to migrate to samvera?
- Tom Cramer - one of the things that happened when E acquired SSRN is that there was discussion about what alternatives existed
- Other news
- Slack Team has new URL: samvera.slack.com. Please confirm your client still works. Slack archive at samvera.slackarchive.io.
- EZID: DOI creation migrating in coming year to DataCite: http://blogs.lib.purdue.edu/news/2017/08/04/ezid-doi-service-is-evolving/. Have started talking with Michael Witt at Purdue about next steps for Samvera.
- next step is probably to figure out who all should be on a call with ezid/datacite
- duke
- stanford
- cincinnati
- others interested? contact Rick Johnson
- next step is probably to figure out who all should be on a call with ezid/datacite
- For next month's Samvera Partner call, Sept 8 [ blank ] will take notes, and [ blank ] will facilitate.
Add your name here
- Rick Johnson
- Steve Van Tuyl
- Richard Green
- dfrost
- Mike Korcynski
- Esmé Cowles
- Simeon Warner
- Andrew Rouner
- Nabeela Jaffer
- Michael Joseph Giarlo
- newmanld
- Robin Lindley Ruggaber
- Maria Whitaker