April 11, 2014
April 11, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Karen Cariani (Facilitator)
- Mike Friscia (Note taker)
- Richard Green - Hull
- Chris Awre - Hull
- Linda Newman - Cincinnati
- Anders Conrad - Royal Library
- Eben English - Boston Public
- Ray Lubinsky - UVA
- Kevin Rice - Princeton
- Julie - Northwestern
- Mark Notess, Will Cowan - Indiana
- Rick Johnson - Notre Dame
- Bess Sadler - Stanford
- Mike Giarlo - Penn State
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Welcome Princeton
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: May 9th, 2014
- Facilitator: Rick Johnson
- Note taker: Mike Giarlo
- Date: May 9th, 2014
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back
- Code4Lib
- Mike Giarlo spoke with someone who suggested the common themes from CNI and Code4Lib - Hydra/Fedora is everywhere with a lot of enthusiasm.
- Hydra well represented at Code4Lib.
- good preconferences, Blacklight hackfest went well and the GIS.
- Always a lot of people at the Blacklight table out of 7-8 tables, Blacklight was one of the busiest.
- Bess talked with several schools interested in GeoHydra/Blacklight.
- Hydra European Symposium, Dublin
- Chris: Happened on mon/tues of this week. Good representation from Ireland and the UK, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. Produced a useful event to attract people to Hydra. A thanks to Trinity for helping to put on a successful event.
- Richard: Highlight that over the next 12-18 months we may get 3+ more adopters from Europe.
- Events, presentation and articles available on the wiki.
- Hydra Camp, Dublin
- Richard: There is a Hydra camp in Dublin taking place. About 15 people in the class right now which Mark suggests is the ideal number. Mark was happy with how it was going according to Richard.
- UK, Ireland, Holland and Belgium represented.
- Code4Lib
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- LAMDevConX and Developer Congress
- See Rob Sanderson's email about all attendees needing to register at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/ldcx5-tickets-11244154569# and logistics page at http://library.stanford.edu/projects/ldcx
- highlight the above information about registering
- Planning on focused use cases around archives. Will be putting an initial list of topics up on some public place like Google.
- There's a lot of registrations.
- The Holocaust Memorial Museum will be attending.
- OR2014
- All main conference acceptances notified, interest groups next week
- 3 workshop for Hydra, intro to Hydra for Devs, GIS for Hydra, DevOps for digital libraries taught by Chris Beer (heavily Hydra)
- Stanford Hydra for Managers
- Hydra training program
- GIS/GeoHydra talk
- Chris -session on digital libraries
- Mike Giarlopanel focused on Agile practices with Islandora, Hydromata and Fedora
- workshop for Hydra and RDF: Mark Bussey and Mike Giarlo
- on panel with talks about Hydra, Islandora and Archivematica
- Hydra will be very well represented at OR this year. The proposals were excellent.
- Decisions on interest groups should be out next Wednesday, April 17
- no formal gathering or get together planned yet, but a good idea
- keep an eye out for new announcement coming out early next week about the keynote speaker and link to the full program
- Please register soon, early bird price until May 4.
- rumor of a new Hydra t-shirt for OR
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western – see
Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- highlighting the link above and get this on your calendar. Similar to the meeting that took place in San Diego last January that went very well.
- If you missed the last one, you really don't want to miss this one.
- Hotel lock rates are already in place.
- Detailed program won't happen until after OR.
- mix of plenaries and breakouts like San Diego
- All the logistics are sorted out and planning is all under control
- Open registration after OR, mid-june
- LAMDevConX and Developer Congress
- Training
- Hydra Camp May 6-9 Minneapolis
- the dates are fixed
- Hydra Camp fall 2014 (Boston?)
- without Mark, not much to mention.
- Hydra Camp May 6-9 Minneapolis
- Projects
- What is share? Mike: Shared Access to Research Ecosystem. Came about from the federal agencies that are required to release data. (http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/public-access-policies/shared-access-research-ecosystem-share#.U0gTieZdVJM)
- Series of working groups and they are working on notification service specification and all the things around it including data flow, metadata requirements. Not too much in the form of news outside of a lot of community feedback on the specs being produced. Big push to hire project manager to manage this over the next two years as well as the technical team.
- Putting out a call for creative proposals where a pool of universities may have project managers and/or developers that can lend help to work on this.
- Rick: The notification system diagrams and architecture of the service is public.
- Rick: Surveys being generated and will be under review from a wide audience from researchers, administrators, funders, etc. Make sure all the needs are articulated and met. Will also do in person interviews as much as they can.
- Others?
- Applause for the launch of https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/
Rick - Notre Dame update, next major release for Curate is coming soon. Working on the release date, likely in 2 weeks. From there they will springboard into major refactoring to split this out from one gem to multiple gems.
- Strategic Plan
- Detailed review to take place at "Power Steering" meeting following LAMDevConX in Stanford
- should this come off the agenda? Richard not convinced even though we rarely discuss this on the calls
- Richard says we are making good progress but needs a re-work in terms of target dates.
- If anyone has feedback or comments about the strategic plan please forward them to the partner list-serv.
- Reports back
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Not Partners, but does anyone know any users not on our list at: http://projecthydra.org/community-2-2/partners-and-more/ ?
- Richard began to start the list, please pass along Hydra adopters where it is public knowledge to Richard
- Should the Digital Commonwealth be listed as an adopter? Eben answered yes to this.
- there are a number of prospective institutions that are not being named here, more discussion on this than on previous recent calls.
- would be nice to have more cultural institutions
- Mike spoke of model of consulting group based in State College where they are training them to be able to offer consulting services. Would be willing to discuss how they made that happen.
- Not Partners, but does anyone know any users not on our list at: http://projecthydra.org/community-2-2/partners-and-more/ ?
- Other
- Princeton launched their first Hydra application and on their way to get going on more.
- WGBH working on proposal for handling large files
- Indiana working with Fedora 4 for large file handling.
, multiple selections available,
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