January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


  • Adam Wead, RockHall (Facilitator)

  • Mike Giarlo, Penn State (Notetaker)

  • Linda Newman, Cincinnati
  • Rick Johnson, Notre Dame
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford
  • Chris Awre, Hull
  • Mike Friscia, Yale
  • Ray Lubinsky, Virginia
  • Robin Ruggaber, Virginia
  • Steven Anderson, BPL
  • Jon Dunn, Indiana
  • Bess Sadler, Stanford
  • Claire Stewart, Northwestern
  • Will Cowan, Indiana
  • Karen Cariani, WGBH
  • Mark Notess, Indiana

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks 
  2. Call for Agenda Items
  3. Next Call
    1. Date: February 14th, 2014 
    2. Facilitator: Robin Ruggaber
    3. Notetaker: Steven Anderson
  4. Standing Community TODOs
    1. Next Partner meetings
      1. HydraConnect planning & call for items
        1. Program is now set (see:  January 2014 Agenda and Notes)
        2. Please vote for topics for Hydra for Managers (Tues PM): https://www.google.com/moderator/#15/e=20f870&t=20f870.40
        3. Encourage all partners to prepare a poster, demo, or dog + pony for café-style time on Wednesday afternoon
          1. Broad topics: heads, components, unmet needs, other
        4. Encourage all partners to prepare an institutional lightning talk to give the audience a sense of all streams of work ongoing at that institution
      2. LibDevConX
        1. Looking at second half of April (14th-18th or 21st-25th)
        2. Few if any apparent conflicts with related conferences
        3. May become LAMDevConX to pull in archives- and museum-related interests
        4. Date will be announced at Hydra Connect
      3. Regional Hydra event in Europe
        1. Call scheduled for next Tuesday to pin down location and dates of Hydra Europe event (probably in March)
        2. Good response, and two expressions of hosting interest (Ireland and Belgium (Ghent))
        3. Announcement coming at Hydra Connect
    2. Training
      1. Workshops on Hydra, TDD, Agile coming together for Hydra Connect
      2. Working on RDF in Hydra tutorial
    3. Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan: where are we? are we on track?
      1. There may be discussion at Hydra Connect if Steering or other SP-interested folks are free
  5. SHARE update (Rick Johnson)
    1. Rick (Researcher Workflow), Claire (Repository Community), and Mike (Repository Community) involved with SHARE
    2. Workflow group making sure to connect SHARE with the research community
    3. Initial work focuses on SHARE Notification System that is a sort of event backbone for published research
  6. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
    1. Ghent interested in hosting a Hydra Europe event
    2. LANL dev has been kicking the tires and posting to hydra-tech
    3. University in Chile is sending folks to Hydra Connect
    4. UC Berkeley evaluating repos and will be attending Hydra Connect
    5. Dance Heritage Coalition sending someone to Hydra Connect
    6. Ohio State has talked to some partners

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