January 10, 2014
January 10, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Adam Wead, RockHall (Facilitator)
Mike Giarlo, Penn State (Notetaker)
- Linda Newman, Cincinnati
- Rick Johnson, Notre Dame
- Tom Cramer, Stanford
- Chris Awre, Hull
- Mike Friscia, Yale
- Ray Lubinsky, Virginia
- Robin Ruggaber, Virginia
- Steven Anderson, BPL
- Jon Dunn, Indiana
- Bess Sadler, Stanford
- Claire Stewart, Northwestern
- Will Cowan, Indiana
- Karen Cariani, WGBH
- Mark Notess, Indiana
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: February 14th, 2014
- Facilitator: Robin Ruggaber
- Notetaker: Steven Anderson
- Standing Community TODOs
- Next Partner meetings
- HydraConnect planning & call for items
- Program is now set (see: January 2014 Agenda and Notes)
- Please vote for topics for Hydra for Managers (Tues PM): https://www.google.com/moderator/#15/e=20f870&t=20f870.40
- Encourage all partners to prepare a poster, demo, or dog + pony for café-style time on Wednesday afternoon
- Broad topics: heads, components, unmet needs, other
- Encourage all partners to prepare an institutional lightning talk to give the audience a sense of all streams of work ongoing at that institution
- LibDevConX
- Looking at second half of April (14th-18th or 21st-25th)
- Few if any apparent conflicts with related conferences
- May become LAMDevConX to pull in archives- and museum-related interests
- Date will be announced at Hydra Connect
- Regional Hydra event in Europe
- Call scheduled for next Tuesday to pin down location and dates of Hydra Europe event (probably in March)
- Good response, and two expressions of hosting interest (Ireland and Belgium (Ghent))
- Announcement coming at Hydra Connect
- HydraConnect planning & call for items
- Training
- Workshops on Hydra, TDD, Agile coming together for Hydra Connect
- Working on RDF in Hydra tutorial
Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan: where are we? are we on track?
- There may be discussion at Hydra Connect if Steering or other SP-interested folks are free
- Next Partner meetings
- SHARE update (Rick Johnson)
- Rick (Researcher Workflow), Claire (Repository Community), and Mike (Repository Community) involved with SHARE
- Workflow group making sure to connect SHARE with the research community
- Initial work focuses on SHARE Notification System that is a sort of event backbone for published research
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Ghent interested in hosting a Hydra Europe event
- LANL dev has been kicking the tires and posting to hydra-tech
- University in Chile is sending folks to Hydra Connect
- UC Berkeley evaluating repos and will be attending Hydra Connect
- Dance Heritage Coalition sending someone to Hydra Connect
- Ohio State has talked to some partners