September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013
Dial In
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Rick Johnson, Notre Dame (Facilitator)
- Michael Friscia, Yale (Notetaker)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Bess (Stanford)
- Jim Coble (Duke)
- Steven (BPL)
- Steve (Northwestern)
- Adam (Rock Hall of Fame)
- Karen (WGBH)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- Robin (UVA)
- Jim Tuttle(Duke)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Mark (Indiana)
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- I did my best to get the attendee list, I believe I missed two people and I'm still getting used to voices to match with names
- Call for Agenda Items
- Mark Bussey- mentioned request to include call in information on the agenda, looks like this is still being discussed on the partner list.
- Next Call
- Date: October 11th, 2013
- Facilitator: Mark Bussey
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
- Grants (upcoming, status updates)
- Penn State Grant for Zotero
- next cycle for Mellon is in the December/winter timeframe
- continuing to work on the grant application in the mid-October - November timeframe
- Expect to have an update regarding the work on the proposal in a month or two from now
- ORCID grant by Notre Dame:
- Submitted, should here back around October 1st. If funded includes money for 10 developers to meet probably in Chicago for 4 days to accelerate local customizations for IR/ORCID integration.
- expect to hear back on decision as early as Oct 1
- planning a hackfest in May 2014
- developer congress to take place possibly 3-4 months into the development cycle
- grant funding to pay for some developer travel to this meeting
- location expected to be Chicago area - Notre Dame
- funding to partially cover development time on project
- design allows for plugin to accommodate localized content models, workflows and metadata schemas
- planning call to happen with further discussion of shared development. Please reference email to partners on 9/12 (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/hydra-partners/iX2ZSOZzy4k/RAdlU8KyxwgJ)
- Other?
- none noted
- Penn State Grant for Zotero
- Shared IR Progress
- development by Notre Dame, DCE and Northwestern
- completed first 4 weeks of sprints, taking break for Penn State meeting and then 4 more weeks of sprints to follow
- currently there is a good framework in place that could be adopted by anyone with a good base in place
- Mark Bussey suggested an informal meet up at Penn State to discuss future development
- Robin suggested it is time to showcase the work at Penn
- additional suggestion to hold a previously presented 30-45 minute presentation during the manager agenda portion of Monday's agenda
- additional suggestion to hold a previously presented 30-45 minute presentation during the manager agenda portion of Monday's agenda
- development by Notre Dame, DCE and Northwestern
- Progress on Partner Meeting action items
- no update
- Standing Community TODOs
- Next Partner meetings
- September at Penn State. Two parallel tracks:
- 5 days of code shredding (9/16-20). Focus on gemification.
- Chris and Justin to lead dev track on Monday
- morning agenda - welcome/intro/review backlog
- afternoon - code workshop
- rest of week will be free form
- Tues - some developers will attend manager track to discuss Hydra/RDA future development
- later in the discussion it was mentioned that it would be ideal that this happen first thing Tuesday morning to prevent interrupting the management track agenda
- Mark gave a call to please go into google moderator (linked below) to vote, goal is to vote on items that can be completed in the 1 week code shred
- Thursday afternoon or Friday morning there will be a developer showcase of the work completed during the week.
- screen cast to be made available from Penn state so that those who left on Wed can view
- more info to be sent to the partner list on Monday
There is a page up for the code shredding for candidates on what to work on there: September 2013 Developer Meeting Agenda
Prioritization list in google moderator: http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=20cf08.
- 2.5 days of Strategic Planning (9/16-18).
- Review Agenda:
September Strategic Planning Agenda
- Richard made a call to the partner list for agenda items to be added to the wiki
- The steering committee organized/prioritized the agenda items into the following order
- Monday - items are of utmost importance and must be completed
- Tuesday - items have some wiggle room
- Wednesday - while still important, these have the most flexibility in being pushed off
- Richard mentioned the straw man doc, emphasized that everyone should review prior if you plan to attend this track
- Tom added in that all managers should read up on all documents prior to attending
- Please edit the manager agenda page to self identify session leaders
- also sign up for sessions you plan to attend, i.e. edit the wiki (see #3 below)
- Plan is to run concurrent tracks at this meeting
- Important request from Richard - PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE STRUCTURE of the agenda page, a new section below the agenda will be created for this purpose
- Comments:
- lots of topics to cover, question about the time blocks and which items fit into them
- figuring out the time blocks will happen during the Monday morning session for planning the tracks
- Tom mentioned at this time that with 26 managers attending, it will be possible to run concurrent tracks
- be sure to self identify which tracks you plan to attend and if you are able to lead a session (see above, especially the note about not altering the structure of the wiki page when you edit the manager agenda)
- There should be some form of demonstrations, decision on timing will take place Monday morning. A suggestion for Wednesday afternoon prompted the need for a decision on timing early in the week.
- lots of topics to cover, question about the time blocks and which items fit into them
- Review Agenda:
September Strategic Planning Agenda
- 5 days of code shredding (9/16-20). Focus on gemification.
- December event: Worldwide Hydra Connect meeting.
- Location and dates finalized?
- December 16 - 18th at Oregon?
- A set of dates in January for UCSD in San Diego?
- Oregon is off the table, the dates that are possible just do not work with availability
- Will pursue UCSD
- Declan will talk about this next week
- likely to take place in January, not december
- Location and dates finalized?
- 2014: regional Hydra event in UK/Ireland (same time as LDCX?)
- Likely next Spring for an event. Possibly UK or Ireland? Added to strategic planning agenda for meeting next week
- Active discussion taking place.
- Strong desire to attach this to another meeting given the reduced community size
- possible Hydra Camp in Europe next spring
- LibConDevX
- no dates yet
- to be discussed next week
- will not take place during usual March time due to conflict with Code4Lib
- Pattern for other Partner meetings
- to be discussed next week
- September at Penn State. Two parallel tracks:
- Training
- Fall Hydra Camp update
- 4-day camp, October 1st - October 4th, Case Western Reserve University
- update from Mark Bussey
- 21 students so far
- Adam Wead will assist in teaching
- could use some additional teaching assistants, contact Mark if you can help
- Jeremy was offered up to assist during the discussion
- Cap is 30, so there is room left for more students
- majority of attendance is Case Western and University of Cincinnati
- Any Pre-conference workshop similar to the one done at OR2013?
- Hydra for Managers session or BOF?
- there will be a 90 minute pre conference track on Monday for Hydra - Dive into Hydra
- Intro to Hydra
- What it means to be a hydra developer
- Archivespace session Monday afternoon, hydra integration
- Hydra for managers
- Robin offered assistance in organizing a bird of a feather type of discussion
- there will be a 90 minute pre conference track on Monday for Hydra - Dive into Hydra
- Any Pre-conference workshop similar to the one done at OR2013?
- Fall Hydra Camp update
- Strategic plan: where are we? are we on track?
- to be discussed next week
See: Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan
- Next Partner meetings
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- discussion among Case Western, University of Cincinnati and Ohio State (the one in Columbus as opposed to the other with similar sort of name)
- discussion relates to group collaboration/implementation among the three to implement quicker
- Bess had a phone call with Temple to discuss Hydra adoption, Temple interested in Sufia
- discussion among Case Western, University of Cincinnati and Ohio State (the one in Columbus as opposed to the other with similar sort of name)
- Website Updates
- none noted