March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Facilitator: Anders Conrad, Royal Library of Denmark Steven Anderson, BPL
Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Dean Krafft (Cornell
- Simeon Warner (Cornell)
- Kevin Reiss (Princeton)
- Matt McVay (Tufts)
- Mike Muraszko (WGBH)
- Mike Friscia (Yale)
- Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Karen Estlund (Oregon)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- Jim Tuttle (Duke)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Attending
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: April 10th
- Facilitator: Anders Conrad, Royal Library of Denmark
- Notetaker: Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern
- Date: April 10th
- Financial & Legal Services Agreement
- Plans and progress of implementation
- Fundraising effort starting up. Robin Ruggaber and Chris Awre taking the lead. Keep an eye out for details.
- Plans and progress of implementation
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
- DuraSpace Summit: Hydra an active topic.
- RDA: Some Hydra, though not much – broader data service and infrastructure topics.
- PASIG: Discussion of trusted digital repositories.
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- LAMDevConX, 23-25 March 2015
- Hydra Developers Congress 26-27 March 2015
- Hydra Power Steering 26-27 March 2015
- Hydra Europe Symposium 23-24 April 2015
- NE States Regional Meeting 7 May 2015
- Signup by March 31st: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zVmSGv9SOYELHqprzN8IHI_fq7fJR-QMM0w04R_VQag/viewform?edit_requested=true
- Details on wiki: NE Regional Group (North East and/or New England). Contact Steven Anderson or Karen Cariani for more information.
- Please take notes and post them ASAP so the rest of the community can plug in to local meeting discussions.
- Open Repositories 8-11 Jun 2015
- Registration is now open
- Today is the last chance to submit a talk for the developers' track
- Hydra Connect 3 - FYI: Minneapolis in late September or early October, dates tbc
- Mark B. engaging venues to determine exact dates.
- Hydra Connect 4 (topic added by BPL)
- Steven Anderson offering space in Boston for Hydra Connect 4. Room for roughly 350 attendees.
- Interest from other Boston-area organizations in co-hosting or helping.
- Duke also interested in hosting in 2016
- Desire to announce 2016 host at HC3 in Sept./Oct.
- Tom Cramer will send a note to Richard about the Boston proposal.
- Training
- Hydracamp, 9-13 March 2015 at Yale Library
- Good energy around the camp at Yale. Curriculum now more refined.
- Hydracamp, London 20-23 April 2015
- Hydracamp, 9-13 March 2015 at Yale Library
- Reports from Interest & Working Groups
- Archivists Interest Group
- User stories webinar was a great success with 30-odd attendees. (View recording or slides)
- Archivematica/FPR integration (see March 2, 2015 and join the new mailing list)
- Ongoing effort to define a PCDM mapping for disk images and related user stories
- Digital Preservation Interest Group
- Christian presented Chronos yesterday (videos and slides are available)
- Mike Friscia to talk to group at next meeting about increasing interest in TDR/OAIS in the context of OSTP/DMP mandates. Should examine Fedora and Hydra as reference implementations and map them to TDR/OAIS
- User Experience Group
- Connect 3 structure WG (CfP announced 1/5)
- Web presence WG (CfP announced 1/5)
- Group evaluating "like sites" (Sorry, I missed some detail here – got pulled away.)
- Service Manager IG
- Page viewer/page turner IG
- Metadata Working Group (CfP announced 02/19)
- First call (March 17th, 9am PDT/12pm EDT/etc. @ Hydra teleconference line) will focus on proposed deliverables and timeline.
- Archivists Interest Group
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Any other old or new business