March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


Facilitator: Anders Conrad, Royal Library of Denmark Steven Anderson, BPL

Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)


  • Dean Krafft (Cornell
  • Simeon Warner (Cornell)
  • Kevin Reiss (Princeton)
  • Matt McVay (Tufts)
  • Mike Muraszko (WGBH)
  • Mike Friscia (Yale)
  • Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
  • Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
  • Karen Estlund (Oregon)
  • Tom Cramer (Stanford)
  • Jim Tuttle (Duke)

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks  
    2. Attending
    3. Call for Agenda Items
  2. Next Call
    1. Date: April 10th
      1. Facilitator: Anders Conrad, Royal Library of Denmark
      2. Notetaker: Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern
  3. Financial & Legal Services Agreement
    1. Plans and progress of implementation
      1. Fundraising effort starting up. Robin Ruggaber and Chris Awre taking the lead. Keep an eye out for details.
  4. Standing Community to-do's
    1. Reports back from meetings (if any)
      1. DuraSpace Summit: Hydra an active topic.
      2. RDA: Some Hydra, though not much – broader data service and infrastructure topics.
      3. PASIG: Discussion of trusted digital repositories.
    2. Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
      1. LAMDevConX, 23-25 March 2015
      2. Hydra Developers Congress 26-27 March 2015
      3. Hydra Power Steering 26-27 March 2015
      4. Hydra Europe Symposium 23-24 April 2015
      5. NE States Regional Meeting 7 May 2015
        1. Signup by March 31st: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zVmSGv9SOYELHqprzN8IHI_fq7fJR-QMM0w04R_VQag/viewform?edit_requested=true
        2. Details on wiki: NE Regional Group (North East and/or New England). Contact Steven Anderson or Karen Cariani for more information.
        3. Please take notes and post them ASAP so the rest of the community can plug in to local meeting discussions.
      6. Open Repositories 8-11 Jun 2015
        1. Registration is now open
        2. Today is the last chance to submit a talk for the developers' track
      7. Hydra Connect 3 - FYI: Minneapolis in late September or early October, dates tbc
        1. Mark B. engaging venues to determine exact dates.
      8. Hydra Connect 4 (topic added by BPL)
        1. Steven Anderson offering space in Boston for Hydra Connect 4. Room for roughly 350 attendees.
        2. Interest from other Boston-area organizations in co-hosting or helping.
        3. Duke also interested in hosting in 2016
        4. Desire to announce 2016 host at HC3 in Sept./Oct.
        5. Tom Cramer will send a note to Richard about the Boston proposal.
    3. Training
      1. Hydracamp, 9-13 March 2015 at Yale Library
        1. Good energy around the camp at Yale. Curriculum now more refined.
      2. Hydracamp, London 20-23 April 2015
    4. Reports from Interest & Working Groups
      1. Archivists Interest Group
        1. User stories webinar was a great success with 30-odd attendees. (View recording or slides)
        2. Archivematica/FPR integration (see March 2, 2015 and join the new mailing list)
        3. Ongoing effort to define a PCDM mapping for disk images and related user stories
      2. Digital Preservation Interest Group
        1. Christian presented Chronos yesterday (videos and slides are available)
        2. Mike Friscia to talk to group at next meeting about increasing interest in TDR/OAIS in the context of OSTP/DMP mandates. Should examine Fedora and Hydra as reference implementations and map them to TDR/OAIS
      3. User Experience Group
      4. Connect 3 structure WG (CfP announced 1/5)
      5. Web presence WG (CfP announced 1/5)
        1. Group evaluating "like sites" (Sorry, I missed some detail here – got pulled away.)
      6. Service Manager IG
      7. Page viewer/page turner IG
      8. Metadata Working Group (CfP announced 02/19)
        1. First call (March 17th, 9am PDT/12pm EDT/etc. @ Hydra teleconference line) will focus on proposed deliverables and timeline. 
  5. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
  6. Any other old or new business


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