May 10, 2013 - Hydra Partner Call
May 10, 2013 - Hydra Partner Call
- Mike Giarlo, Penn State (Facilitator)
- Steven Anderson, BPL (Notetaker)
- Tom Cramer, Stanford
- Robin Ruggaber, UVa
- Ed Fay, LSE
- Richard Green, Hull
- Ray Lubinsky, UVA
- Justin Coyne, DCE
- Bess Sadler, Stanford
- Mark Notess, Indiana
- Steven DiDomenico, Northwestern
- Anders Conrad, RLD
- Christopher Awre, Hull
- Justin Coyne, DCE
- Lynn McRae, Stanford
- Rick Johnson, ND
Karen Cariani, WGBH (at NDSA New England regional meeting)
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: June 14, 2013
- Facilitator: Tom Cramer, Stanford
- Notetaker: Christopher Awre, Hull
- Progress on March Partner Meeting action items
- Gemification
Rank, Interest, and Availability for Gemification for Solution Bundles (seems like still updated once or twice a week? So still being updated.)
- Sufia already has done a few minor releases since the 1.0 release.
- Penn State has worked with DCE 2-3 weeks ago on building a new gem called Hydra Collections. A basic way to manage collections and Scholarsphere will be using it for user collections (and it will also theoretically work for admin collections). Hope to release it in May and code is up on github. Was the #6 ranked one on the list and is for creating collection objects. Can facet on collection title that is built in there but unable to fully expand offhand on exactly what blacklight functionality was added to it. Stanford is working this month to add a Collection builder form into ARGO so this gem is timely for them to possibly use and contribute to.
- Seems as if one partner not at the May meeting finds this ranking page a bit confusing and would like 1-2 user stories associated with it to help explain what each of these things are. Wikihacking exercise as an early topic at the Boston / WGBH meeting to expand this page and possibly others? Assuming no-one has been able to insert this information and announce it before the meeting.
- ND is currently working to create gems for functionality not in Sufia but specific to their IR. ND is interested in some of the functionality in Libra, Hydrus and Sufia as is UVa and Indiana who's current IR is a Dspace solution. The three are exploring comparable IR interest in hopes of working together to build gems out and combine gems to contribute an IR solution bundle that hopefully multiple institutions can use. Discussion between IR parties at the three will happen late May. Ohio is also interested in moving from Dspace and might be convinced to join in the fun. )
- Sufia already has done a few minor releases since the 1.0 release.
- Hackfest in the works for June meeting?
- Anyone going to do this? Nothing was heard so likely nothing occurring with this idea currently.
Rank, Interest, and Availability for Gemification for Solution Bundles (seems like still updated once or twice a week? So still being updated.)
- Hydra gem
- Going fairly well?
- Steering/Partner rebalance
- Steering niche vs what are the Partner roles. Things are working fairly well? There is a page linked off the March notes that compares the different responsibilities of Partner and Steering. Seems like many things listed for Steering the Partner's were also doing. In the last two weeks, Steering has taking those notes and tried to refine them. Hope to take the topic back up in June with a revised responsibility list and update from Steering in the next few weeks.
- Training initiative (incl. "training the trainers")
- Small pilot RailsBridge event was held at Stanford.
- Presentation at OR - no real details yet but hopefully soon.
- Documentation initiative
- Didn't hear much of an update?
- December strategic planning + dev hackfest event
- Time to flesh that out in the future. No updates.
- September meeting theme - solution bundles
- Gemification
- Standing Community TODOs
- Next Partner meetings
- Boston: Dates pinned down and announced. How's the attendee list looking?
- Seems like 17-19 currently registered.
- Two large rooms reserved. Can get additional rooms as needed.
- September meeting at Penn State
- Dates: 9/9-11, 9/16-18, 9/23-25
- Monday - Wednesday mostly. The later parts of the week with college football is extremely difficult.
- Seems like the September 16th - 18th was the most preference?
- Will be doing a Doodle for more larger representation and get that to the listsrv early next week.
- Dates: 9/9-11, 9/16-18, 9/23-25
- Boston: Dates pinned down and announced. How's the attendee list looking?
- Training
- Updates on Fall Hydracamp in Boston (or east coast)?
- DCE had mentioned the possibility of a Boston Based Hydracamp in September and perhaps one earlier in Ohio or Penn but we would need to clarify with Mark Bussey.
- UVa, APTrust, Virginia Tech and possibly new developers from ND - may be targeting a training at Virginia in late summer if hiring at those locations is completed in time.
- No specific updates or detailed plans though.
- An "awareness" meeting in Europe during the fall?
- Richard Green and Christopher Awre (Hull) will be doing a Skype about it soon with others and will be starting to talk about this. Attendees? No discussion yet on them.
- Updates on Fall Hydracamp in Boston (or east coast)?
- OR13 – anything to discuss? (Tom)
- Three Hydra related talks / workshops. Maybe more on the agenda?
- There is a Hydra track as part of the Fedora Track. Need to get together with those doing the Fedora Track to work out how that will work. Have a 90-minute block to present about Hydra and the stack. Audio/Video in Hydra presentation as part of the track as well?
- Morning workshop (intro to Hydra) and an evening one that is more developer focus that is essentially a shorter version of the one done at Code4lib.
- Developer challenge ideas: DUL fedora admin UI likely has more broader appeal than just the Hydra community and that larger Fedora community appeal that could be focused on for this type of coding. (missed a second idea related to Blacklight and DSpace?). Crowd-sourced annotation might be a good idea.
- Strategic plan: where are we? are we on track? See:
Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan (Tom)
- Matrix for tracking the items in the strategic plan
- Looks like we are knocking things off here.
- Anticipating working with DCE over the summer possibly on Atrium (Omeka equivalent) work?
- Group topic on OR for the June meetings?
- Strategic Planning for Hydra
- Matrix for tracking the items in the strategic plan
- Next Partner meetings
- Updates on Action Items
- Begin process of posting Workshop and HydraCamp content online to support self-directed learning for folks who can't attend larger workshops or conferences (Mark)
- From last meeting: Sent links out on Matt's latest tutorials on Hydra and OM; Would like some feedback and will plan others, such as rights management
- Punted to next month.
- Punted to next month.
- From last meeting: Sent links out on Matt's latest tutorials on Hydra and OM; Would like some feedback and will plan others, such as rights management
- Begin process of posting Workshop and HydraCamp content online to support self-directed learning for folks who can't attend larger workshops or conferences (Mark)
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Virginia Tech hasn't fully ramped up yet but interested in doing Hydra work. Not able to come to June meeting but may be able to come aboard before Fall.
- Yale is in the pipeline but is "chewing on the docs"
- Partners / Steering Exchange
- Anything Steering wants to communicate to Partners
- Updating the responsibilities list (work in progress). Proposal: this agenda item is stilted and should be removed from future calls. The communication seems to happen anyway and the request has been seconded to remove it.
- Any issues at the Partner level that should be escalated to Steering
- Anything Steering wants to communicate to Partners
- Copy right statement for code (added)
- Suggested to be a topic at the June meeting. Go over this information that has been dugged up and come to a conclusion face-to-face. Understanding and applying a good and uniform copyright statement to Hydra code.
, multiple selections available,
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