May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#
Facilitator: Mark Bussey (DCE)
Notetaker: Simeon Warner (Cornell)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Attending
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Simeon Warner (Cornell)
- Christian Ertmann-Christiansen (Royal Library Denmark)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- Dean Krafft (Cornell)
- Steven Anderson (Boston Public Llibrary)
- Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
- Linda Newman (Cincinatti)
- Will Cowan (Indiana U)
- Bess Sadler (Stanford)
- Karen Estland (Oregon)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Mark Matienzo (DPLA)
- Matt McVay (Tufts)
- Welcome New Folks
- Welcome to Christian from Royal Library Denmark standing in for Anders
- Call for Agenda Items
- None
- None
- Attending
2. Next call
- Date: June 12th, 2015 clashes with OR2015
- Agreement to skip the June call, regular schedule on July 10
- ACTION - Richard Green to send out email advising change
- Facilitator: Steven Anderson
- Notetaker: Linda Newman
3. Hydra-in-a-Box project - update?
- Mark and Tom on call. Grant starts next Friday, launch call with partners scheduled for next week. Watch this space...
4. Progress on issues from Power Steering (see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues) (see also https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering)
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues/2 - Karen asks if we can get the architecture diagram ready for OR. Mark agrees to take this on but would love help, Mike to help
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues/1 - Mark and Richard to focus on hydra and F4 page on the wiki, extra help encouraged
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues/52 - We have new framework for presenting policy but we don't yet have a process in place for dealing with anything that might come up. Need this for Hydra Connect. Bess/Karen/Mike/Mark to work on this, will discuss at OR
5. Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
- Hydra Camp London
- Mark reports small camp with 8 participants (6 UK, 2 continental Europe). Everyone in the class had a hydra project chartered if not underway, not speculative learning. Had discussions about fostering more technical community in Europe given timezones etc., people are plugged into tech calls but reaching mass for Europe focused group. Were using Hydra9/F4 and have updated diagrams to show RDF and to discuss how new and old content may co-exist, had to get over mis-conception that one has to migrate to RDF – XML still well supported.
- Hydra Europe Symposium 23-24 April 2015
- Richard reports two day with first day aimed at real beginners (demos of 6 production sites), with latter part of first day and second day content more advanced. Total of 40 people over the two days. More successful than Dublin meeting because attendees more involved, perhaps because environment more mature. Presentations at link above.
- Digital Library Conference in Slovakia 21-23 April 2015
- David Wilcox and Tom Cramer presented on Hydra, went well, likely request for reprise at another European/Baltic meeting
- NE States Regional Meeting 7 May 2015
- 20-25 attendees from around the region, Brown did a presentation on Spotlight and experiments around it. Concerns about need to write to production Solr index. Some discussion of F4 migration and pain of updates including AF9. Discussion/confusion about PCDM and nice to see spec tests from current sprint (Drew (WGBH) took notes about questions and will pass them on). Notes from event will go up on NE meetup wiki
- Sufia/PCDM community sprint
- Mike reports 22 people signed up for the sprint including developers/designers/etc. Have two sub-teams: components team implementing PCDM data model independent of higher-level behaviors; Sufia team working to support multi-file works in Sufia based on PCDM. This work also rebalancing relationship between Sufia and Worthwhile where reasons to chose one or the other will be clearer
- Hydra Camp London
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- Open Repositories 8-11 Jun 2015 :
- Should there be a developers meeting on Fri June 12? – not likely a good opportunity based on input from those on call
- Richard notes that today is the last day for the earlybird registration rate
- Agreement that Hydra wiki should link out to presentations
- ACTION - Richard Green to create stub page and email asking people to add any appropriate presentations
- Hydra Connect 2015 : Need volunteers from whom to select a Program Committee. Please (self-)nominate by Tuesday 12th May
- Richard reports that pool of volunteers includes enough newbies but that more experienced volunteers are required
- Hydra Connect 2016: call for hosting location will go out in June; if you and your institution may be interested in hosting please be ready to respond quickly with an "EoI = expression of interest" giving the institutional details, a contact name or names and the proposed location for the conference venue with a brief paragraph describing the amenities that would be available to delegates (both for the conference itself and locally for restaurants, bars, galleries etc), including its proximity to a reasonably well-served airport. Steering will review the EoIs (likely consulting more widely) and it is probable that we’ll invite two or three institutions to submit a rather more detailed bid, including projected costings, in fairly short order before making a decision. You may like to consult the online handbook Organizing Hydra Connect meetings
- Past experience has been written up in the wiki, Mark happy to share experience and we suspect Declan will be happy to talk also
- DuocUC, in Santiago, Chile, would like to host a Hydra workshop 19-26 August. They are looking for someone to provide Hydra training in Spanish. Please contact Hector Reyes (hreyes@duoc.cl) if you can help.
- Bess will send out email call to community, Mark can provide walkthrough of HydraCamp syllabus etc.
- Northeast Fedora User Group at Yale on May 11/12: Northeast Fedora User Group Meeting: 11-12 May 2015
- Code4lib Northeast at MIT on May 29: http://wiki.code4lib.org/NECode4lib_2015_Home
- Code4Lib Midwest at Ohio State July 23-24: http://wiki.code4lib.org/2015_Code4Lib_Midwest_Meeting
- code4lib midwest meeting happening 23/24 July
- Linda thinking about informal hydra-ohio users meeting attached
- Open Repositories 8-11 Jun 2015 :
- Training
- Reports from Interest & Working Groups
- Archivists Interest Group :
- Nobody on call
- Digital Preservation Interest Group : The group invites everyone to contribute to the
Discussion of the Scope & Objectives for the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group.
- Christian notes invitation that has been circulated on list to contributions to scopes and objectives
- User Experience Interest Group :
- Nothing to report
- Web presence WG :
- Nothing to report
- Service Manager IG :
- Call was skipped, nothing to report
- Page viewer/page turner IG : Calls now 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Next call 14th May
- Nothing
Samvera Metadata Interest Group :
- Karen reports that the group has been busy, 35 people actively working on this.
- The draft Technical Metadata Application Profile Baseline is available for review: Technical Metadata Application Profile
- Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group has separate wiki page and there is a Fedora issue for atomic updates
- Mike notes that MWG outputs are being used by the PCDM sprint teams
- Question of whether there was someone with PBCore experience in discussions - yes. Work moved to EBUCore as this seems the way communities are going
- Time-based Media IG (T-MIG) :
- Nobody on call
- Archivists Interest Group :
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
6. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Bess reported on potential interest from Texas DL interested in Hydra-in-a-box a possible way to support hosting for many other Universities in Texas. They have considerable experience hosting DSpace for other institutions. Interested in helping out with testing etc.
7. Any other old or new business
- Nothing
, multiple selections available,
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