October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts (Facilitator)
- Chris Awre, Hull (Notetaker)
- Robin Ruggaber, UVa
- Tom Cramer, Stanford
- Rick Johnson, Notre Dame
- Ray Lubinsky, UVa
- Mark Notess, Indiana
- Anders Conrad, Royal Library
- Ed Fay, LSE
- Mike Friscia, Yale
- Eben English, BPL
- Jim Tuttle, Duke
- Michael Klein, Northwestern
- Will Cowan, Indiana
- Bess Sadler, Stanford
- Karen Cariani, WGBH
- Andrew Woods, DuraSpace/Fedora 4 (in attendance for the item on Fedora 4)
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- No new members were on the call
- Call for Agenda Items
- The items on Fedora 4 and Event planning had been added to the standing items
- Next Call
- Date: November 8th, 2013
- Facilitator: Anders
- Notetaker: Ed
- Fedora 4 Update - Andrew Woods
- Not really an update, more a request for input
Hydra is a major stakeholder in Fedora 4
- Establishing open and effective lines of communication are of value in enabling Hydra to feed needs into Fedora 4 development
There is still value in identifying other regular feedback channels - thoughts are welcome
- There is good overlap at the Steering Group level, and there has been Hydra committers call participation from Fedora 4 staff
- Tech input also has overlap - primarily through Chris Beer and Ben Armintor
- There is general interest in the where functionality needs to sit, in Fedora or in Hydra
- A specific point of current interest is authorisation. Hydra rights metadata can easily sit in Fedora 4, and no other Fedora functionality would be required.
- Fedora will be developing a simple but robust auth mechanism. It's use shouldn't impact on Hydra.
- That's fine, but is there interest in Hydra making any use of this Fedora auth mechanism? If so, for what reasons and how?
- Discussion centred on the issue of access to objects in Fedora other than through Hydra and the benefit of using Fedora auth for this where rights metadata isn't processable.
- It was noted that not having this ability in Hydra has put a couple of potential partners off.
- Andrew will set up a wiki page to capture use cases for Hydra use of Fedora auth. Robin will gather interested parties for a conversation post-DLF, which Mark B. will convene.
- There is a DLF Fedora 4 hackathon that will look at this issue, so information added to the wiki beforehand will be useful in informing this.
- It was noted that Fedora 4 are also having conversations with Islandora
- Greg Jansen at UNC has been the main developer in this area for Fedora 4 so far.
- Grants (upcoming, status updates)
- Penn State Grant for Zotero
- We are submitting our application Any Day Now.
- ORCID grant by Notre Dame
- Granted! Congrats! What's next? Details Posted Here: Hydra ORCID Plug-in
- The link above provides further information, and also a link to the formal announcement for publicity
- A news piece will be added to the Hydra website shortly
- Others?
- Fedora 4 is looking at available grants to accelerate the work and early adoption. Ideas for scoping these are welcome. Timescale is as soon as possible to fit in with funders' timetables.
- Fedora 4 is looking at available grants to accelerate the work and early adoption. Ideas for scoping these are welcome. Timescale is as soon as possible to fit in with funders' timetables.
- Penn State Grant for Zotero
- Progress on action items
- Should we go over Summary of the action points as a group and assign dates/owners for the action items so we can better track progress?
- Mark N. is very interested in working on developing the approach to vendors, which aligns well with Avalon's needs.
- Not otherwise discussed, due to time
- Standing Community TODOs
- Next Partner meetings
- December event: Worldwide Hydra Connect meeting.
- Dates finalized?
- A set of dates in January for UCSD in San Diego?
- The event is scheduled for 21-14 January 2014. This will be circulated via the lists
- 3n1 or 2n2?
- Planning committee to decide on the structure of the event
- Event Planning Team
- So far Declan and Matt at UCSD and Tom, Robin and Richard have been setting this up
- A separate planning committee is proposed to organise the programming of the event (UCSD will do all local logistics)
- An email will be circulated to ask for volunteers to be on this committee. The email will also scope the likely level of work involved and what needs attention.
- The creative aspects of this are acknowledged given this is the first event of its kind for Hydra.
- Dates finalized?
- 2014: regional Hydra event in UK/Ireland
- No update - the event will be discussed in the coming month
- LibConDevX / Partner meeting
- Dates finalized?
- In April, avoiding code4lib end and CNI
- December event: Worldwide Hydra Connect meeting.
- Training
- Fall Hydracamp updates
- Case Western Camp went very well - details in DCE's monthly update
- Modularising the training and using the tutorials approach went very well
- DLF planning updates
- A brief Hydra training event is planned
- A brief Hydra training event is planned
- Fall Hydracamp updates
- Strategic plan: where are we? are we on track?
- Not discussed due to time
- Next Partner meetings
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Oxford and Cornell have both expressed interest in becoming partners
- Case Western has also expressed an interest following the Camp
- Shared IR work is pressing ahead, developing the collaboration between the partners
- The Dance Heritage Coalition are considering their Fedora sustainability options - Karen, Mike G., and Bess will be attending their next meeting and will raise Hydra
- Website Updates
- None