2016-08-30 Program Committee

2016-08-30 Program Committee


  • Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison) apologies
  • Eben English (Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison) apologies
  • kestlund (Penn State)
  • eefahy (Stanford)
  • Richard Green (Hull; Steering Group liaison and admin)
  • Sheila Rabun (Oregon)
  • Jocelyn Triplett (Virginia) apologies
  • Jim Tuttle (Duke) apologies

Documents folder




  1.  Welcome

  2. Next call:  13 September 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Updates
    1. Sessionizer 
      1. Status check - needed soon
        Erin will try to have it ready for 9/9 
    2. Rooming
      Need to keep Gustavino clear in the mornings for breakfast and coffee 
    3. Booking
      1. 204 at 15.30 UK..
      2. Do we know how hotel bookings are progressing?
        Extra space agreed at the Charlesmark but we're running out!
    4. Program. 
      1. Accept the replacement presentation?  Yes

        Fedora: Foundational Considerations - Tom Cramer, Karen Estlund, Ben Armintor

        Fedora provides an essential foundational layer to the Hydra Stack that may seem opaque to many in the Hydra Community. Recent community discussions have highlighted the  technical and community relationship between Hydra and Fedora, the value proposition of Fedora, and Fedora's role in an institution's broader preservation strategy. As the Hydra Community continues to thrive, the intersection of the larger repository community and role with these technologies is an important community rallying area.

  5. Vertical threads: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All.
    1. Outline timetable grids now at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c8rCEKBeLJVa_TjTmlOuO6lRLewolg9TxaQ64vdUgDI/edit#gid=0
    2. Workshops
      1. Status check
    3. Plenaries
      1. Status check
      2. Need a moderator  Noted - one of the PC?
    4. Parallel presentations (and panels)
      1. Status check
      2. Need to find moderators for the Wednesday sessions  Noted - publish sign-up sheets for Wednesday moderation on 16/9
    5. Timetabled breakouts (mainly transferred panels)
      1. Status check
    6. Lightning talks in the parallel tracks
      1. Status check
    7. Posters
      1. Status check
    8. Unconference
    9. WG/IGs

  6. Waffle Board here

  7. Upcoming emails.  
    1. 8/26 - posters (done)
    2. 9/2 - lightning talks and workshop booking
    3. 9/9 - Unconference 
  8. Any other business


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