2016-05-31 HC2016 Program Committee

2016-05-31 HC2016 Program Committee



Documents folder




  1.  Welcome

  2. Date of next call 21 June 2016, 1630UK, 1130ET, 0830PT. Agreed we didn't need one pre-OR.
    (the two week date,14th, is during the period of the Open Repositories conference)

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Use of Sessioniser for HC2016
    Mark Bussey was unable to join us but mailed a detailed document subsequently (see hydra-connect list)

  5. Overall structure of conference days - status check - do BPL/NEU have everything they need at the moment?
    1. Rooming
    2. Timetable
    3. ano

  6. Scholarships committee - FYI: status check
    First meeting in the very near future.

  7. Program.  Is there more that needs doing immediately?
    Suggestions for content are trickling in to the wiki page.  Keep encouraging contributions (especially at OR, if you're there)
    1. Workshops
    2. Plenaries
    3. Posters
    4. Unconference
      1. Does the conference finish officially at Thursday lunchtime or the end of the afternoon?
        Officially end of the afternoon but, inevitably, people start leaving Thursday lunch.

  8. Conference booking
    1. FYI:  Hoping to open booking prior to OR2016 starting on Monday 13 June  - likely some time during 8-10 June.

  9. Any other business