2016-08-23 Program Committee

2016-08-23 Program Committee


  • sanderson (Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison)
  • Eben English (Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison) 
  • kestlund (Penn State)
  • Erin Fahy (Stanford)
  • Richard Green (Hull; Steering Group liaison and admin)
  • Sheila Rabun (Oregon) apologies
  • Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (Virginia)
  • Jim Tuttle (Duke)

Documents folder




  1.  Welcome

  2. Next call:  30 August 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Updates
    1. Sessionizer 
    2. Rooming
      Need to keep Gustavino clear in the mornings for breakfast and coffee 
    3. Scholarships 
    4. Booking
      1. 160 at 15.30 UK..
      2. Do we know how hotel bookings are progressing?
        Sheraton hotel block almost sold out. Steven to investigate more space 
    5. Program. 
      1. One move to prevent a clash
  5. Vertical threads: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All.
    1. Outline timetable grids now at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c8rCEKBeLJVa_TjTmlOuO6lRLewolg9TxaQ64vdUgDI/edit#gid=0
    2. What are we going to provide by way of
      1. Workshops
        1. Status check
        2. Continuity and repeat sessions - see Mark Bussey's email forwarded to the list by Richard on 7/18
      2. Plenaries
        1. Status check
      3. Parallel presentations (and panels)
        1. Status check
          One presentation pulled to be a breakout instead - solicit a replacement from Partners in the first instance 
      4. Timetabled breakouts (mainly transferred panels)
        1. Status check
      5. Lightning talks in the parallel tracks
        1. Status check
      6. Posters
        1. Status check
      7. Unconference
      8. WG/IGs

    3. Waffle Board here
    4. Any other business?
      1. Upcoming emails.  
        8/26 send out poster printing details and solicit lightning talks  - or leave the lightning talks for a week 9/2 (but trail it on 26th)?  Unconference the week after? 9/9  Three seperate opportunities to encourage booking
        8/26 - posters
        9/2 - lightning talks and workshop booking
        9/9 - Unconference 


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