2016-09-20 Program Committee


Documents folder




  1.  Welcome

  2. Next (last!!!) call:  27 September 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Updates
    1. Sessionizer 
      1. Status check - at http://connect2016.projecthydra.org/
    2. Rooming
      1. After internal debate, our events office didn't want us to book Guastivino if we could avoid it. This is due to a desire to have a "common open space" and due to the acustics apparently not being that great in that room. So can set up something for it but they would rather us just use the front of Rabb for some of these sessions.
      2. Room assignments added to the orange blocks above each session in a duplicate copy of Wed / Thurs schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1frFq_DuhkZGulPvf2opKofdZ8dZY9Hqet2C8YgXZdGk/edit?usp=sharing
      3. Don't see the workshops spreadsheet so those rooms are:
        1. McKim Lower Level A: Testing with RSpec and Hydra, Applied Linked Data, Dive Into GeoConcerns
        2. McKim Lower Level B: Technical on-boarding, In-depth PCDM
        3. Rabb Lecture Hall: Data modeling 101, Touring the design patterns in Hydra
        4. Orientation Room: Docker and Vagrant, Hands-on Ansible for Hydra
        5. Commonwealth Salon: Orientation Sessions, Hands-on Service Management
    3. Booking
      1. 253 at 16.00 UK..

  5. Vertical threads: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All.
    1. Outline timetable grids now at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c8rCEKBeLJVa_TjTmlOuO6lRLewolg9TxaQ64vdUgDI/edit#gid=0
      1. Richard will add rooms to the program on the wiki and share the images with BPL.  BPL will try to have poster size timetables and smaller handouts (on request)
    2. Workshops
      1. Status check - 174 signed up (of 253).  Sign-up to be closed on Thursday (22nd), info to convenors Friday.
      2. Registration desk will have lists of workshop attendees on Monday to help people who have forgotten what they signed up for
    3. Plenaries
      1. Status check - all seem to be OK - All but two active IG/WGs have speakers identified for lightnings
    4. Group photo
      1. WGBH will organize a photographer for the end of the plenary session
    5. Parallel presentations (and panels)
      1. Status check - still a couple of recording permissions outstanding, but all speakers now registered
      2. Need to find moderators for the Wednesday sessions  Sign-up sheets for Wednesday moderation very short on volunteers
    6. Timetabled breakouts (mainly transferred panels)
      1. Status check - OK
    7. Lightning talks in the parallel tracks 
      1. Status check- 19 so far;  keep it open until the weekend of the conference.
    8. Posters
      1. Status check - 42 signed up.  "Free printing" announced.
    9. Unconference
      1. Status check - 7 proposed so far
    10. WG/IGs
      1. Status check - OK

  6. Waffle Board here

  7. Upcoming emails.  
    1. 9/22 - Send out workshop info to leaders
  8. Any other business
    1. Organizing Ctee may be looking for help with audio recording and room stewards - watch for email
    2. The community has organized a mentor/mentee program - email went out in the last hour
    3. Attendee list will be made available on the wiki prior to the conference rather than have paper copies.