2016-06-21 Program Committee (postponed to 6/28)
2016-06-21 Program Committee (postponed to 6/28)
- sanderson(Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
Eben English(Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison)Karen Estlund(Penn State) apologies- eefahy (Stanford)
- Richard Green (Hull; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Sheila Rabun (Oregon)
- Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (Virginia)
- James Tuttle (Duke)
Documents folder
- Welcome
- Next call: 5 July 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Use of Sessioniser for HC2016
Mark Bussey's email about this is in our docs folder at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I6WDDiuKSmy77zt9UkLmu4lKtS4IxxdZsb7lGBxoh1U/edit - hopefully he will be joining the call
In summary: Sessionizer good for unconference but doesn't like "rocks" (fixed sessions) in the time block it is dealing with. sched.org might be better for dealing with the fixed timetable stuff, pointed to Sessionizer for unconference period. Suggestion that WG/IG meeting be scheduled after unconference in their own distinct time, block. (Would also allow newbies to make a decision about staying for the WG/IG block which may hold little interest for them.) Erin will talk to Justin Coyne further about Sessionizer. Richard to draft an email to WG/IGs soliciting requests for meeting slots. - Overall structure of conference days - status check - do BPL/NEU have everything they need at the moment? Yes
- Rooming
- Timetable
- ano
- Scholarships committee - FYI: status check. On track.
- Program. Need to start putting something concrete in place.
- What are the vertical threads (?Newbies, developers, managers, sysops, other?)
- What are we going to provide by way of
- Workshops
- Plenaries
- Posters
- Unconference
- Suggestions at the moment are here: Suggestions for HC2016 program
- How do these suggestions map to the threads and the number of slots in each
- Would this provide a "balanced" program?
- Have we any "definites" that we can start the ball rolling with.
- Are there any clear holes we need to fill?
- Workshops are the most urgent (many people like to see them before they book). What do we need to do asap to fully populate a balanced set of workshops?
Need to get the long list of suggestions onto the Waffle board. Sheila and Richard will both talk to Karen (who has last year's script) about getting this done.
Basic tracks: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All. Use some sort of labelling in the program to indicate which sessions are suited to which audience rather than define overly-rigid tracks but group so that the verticals have an obvious bias.
Call next week to get started with the Waffle board.
- Conference booking
- FYI: Open
Currently 27 bookings but very early days yet.
Richard to discuss with Steven "other mailing lists" for announcement.
- FYI: Open
- Any other business
Still investigating alternative to Skype for these calls.. Erin to check with Tom Cramer about Stanford's facilities else DCE might be able to provide them. Watch this space.
, multiple selections available,
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