2016-05-26 HC2016 Host Committee Meeting notes
2016-05-26 HC2016 Host Committee Meeting notes
HydraConnect Host Committee Meeting Minutes
- Steven Anderson
- Eben English
- mike korcynski
- Alex May
- Adrienne Pruitt (Deactivated)
- Richard Green
- Patrick Yott
- Alicia Morris
- Still in the red by a bit based on $215 dollars.
- So two options being discussed:
- Raise the budget to $225
- Get rid of the drink tickets and require a cash bar.
- Richard mentions that there was push back last year on the included drink tickets from those that don't drink. They were subsidizing those that did.
- Patrick mentioned that maybe we could compromise on 1 drink ticket.
- Richard Greene is concerned that we won't get enough people for the larger quote of the catering.
- Should break down into fixed costs and the variable costs calculated on the number of attendees.
- While we sold 200 tickets last year, 21 were from the same institution.
- Question on when we must give the BPL catering a number?
- Flexible on the date and can be adjusted for some time.
- Decision to get a quote for around 150 or so for the worst case scenario with base costs when calculating the ticket price.
- Steven: Wanted to see what Richard and Patrick Yott thought about nixing the reception?
- Richard and Patrick do think that it is a bit expensive. Patrick usually skips the reception. So more splits the support for it from the last call.
- So perhaps submit two budgets: one with a reception and one without it to Hydra Steering?
- Question on only doing a cash bar?
- But may not be possible due to how the catering.
- And may be laws against it potentially if there is no food.
- Sponsorship:
- Northeastern said they might be able to contribute $750 for the reception.
- Don't want it tagged for alcohol though.
- No answer yet from TUFTS (but can't contribute for alcohol).
- Reason is if sponsorship covers the alcohol then can point out it wasn't part of the ticket price for those that don't drink.
- People still complained when DCE paid for it last year anyway.
- But people still willing to sponser the event if it is just a cash bar.
- Northeastern said they might be able to contribute $750 for the reception.
- So two options being discussed:
Point Person of the Conference:
- Dedicated resource for three straight days of giving directions, dealing with questions, making sure the desk is manned at all times, etc.
- Potentially Patrick Yott may be able to do it.
- But do want his staff to go to sessions so he would do it himself then.
- Potentially Patrick Yott may be able to do it.
Registration Open Date:
- Last year it was opened on June 11th to tie in with Open Repositories.
- So should be open by then on our end.
- Richard Green sent us the information that should go in the Wiki.
- Richard can bounce stuff off Steering to get some stuff settled.
- Will have a call with Steven and Eben around 10:30 EST Eastern before the 11:30 EST Steering.
- Will aim for June 8th (or the week of that) for registration to officially open.'
- This is due to the person at the BPL from accounting that made the registration page being out June 2nd to June 7th and the above is still before Open Repositories.
Duraspace 501 3c certificate:
- Forwarded by Richard is the signed document by DCE and Steven / Eben have it now.
Hydra Connect 2016 email:
- Mark Bussey set up the one for 2015 it seems (it was an alias for a DCE account).
- Can contact him for connect2016@projecthydra.org address setup for the eventbrite page.
Next Meeting:
- June 2nd at 11:00 AM EST.
- Steven and Eben only on the call until 11:30 AM EST as meeting with BPL management about the event from 11:30 AM to Noon.
, multiple selections available,
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