2016-08-16 Program Committee

2016-08-16 Program Committee


Documents folder




  1.  Welcome

  2. Next call:  23 August 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Updates
    1. Sessionizer 
    2. Rooming
      Need to keep Gustavino clear in the mornings for breakfast and coffee 
    3. Scholarships 
    4. Booking
      1. 130 at 10:00 UK..
      2. Do we know how hotel bookings are progressing?
    5. Program. 
      1. When is the coffee break? morning or afternoon - decision needed
        Morning - so that we are not then reliant on breakfast "leftovers"
  5. Vertical threads: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All.
    1. Outline timetable grids now at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c8rCEKBeLJVa_TjTmlOuO6lRLewolg9TxaQ64vdUgDI/edit#gid=0
    2. What are we going to provide by way of
      1. Workshops
        1. Status check
        2. Continuity and repeat sessions - see Mark Bussey's email forwarded to the list by Richard on 7/18
          1. Should we repeat some Monday material on Wednesday or Thursday?
      2. Plenaries
        1. Can we publish the running order?
      3. Parallel presentations (and panels)
        1. Can we publish the running order?  Any clashes?
      4. Timetabled breakouts (mainly transferred panels)
        1. Can we publish the running order?
      5. Lightning talks in the parallel tracks
        Should these all be held in the big theatre where they can be streamed?  Move delegates about for lightnings?
        Yes - don't have plenary lightning talks (except WG/IG) rather use the spare slots in the main lecture theatre on Wednesday.
      6. Posters
        1. Need to get, and publicize, information about poster printing asap
          Have we details yet?  When to formally request these (separate email to delegates as well as lists)
          No details yet - see AOB 
      7. Unconference
      8. WG/IGs

    3. Waffle Board here
    4. Any other business?
      1. Upcoming emails.  
        8/19 announce program and push registration
        8/26 send out poster printing details and solicit lightning talks