2016-07-05 Program Committee
2016-07-05 Program Committee
sanderson(Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison) apologiesEben English(Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison) apologies- kestlund (Penn State)
- eefahy (Stanford)
- Richard Green (Hull; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Sheila Rabun (Oregon)
- Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (Virginia)
- James Tuttle (Duke)
Documents folder
- Welcome
- Next call: 12 July 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Updates
- Sessionizer
- Rooming
- Scholarships
- Booking
- Accommodating possible Mexican interest (see email to Connect list from Tom Cramer July 1st.)
Should we put a short section on the Connect page in Spanish, offering assistance to non-English speakers if they need help with registration etc, but pointing out the conference will be conducted in English?
- Program.
- Vertical threads: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All.
- What are we going to provide by way of
- Workshops
- Plenaries
- Lightning talks
- Posters
- Unconference
- WG/IGs
Email soliciting booking for IG/WG slots sent July 5.
- Suggestions at the moment are here: Suggestions for HC2016 program but now transferred to Waffle Board here.
Waffle Board investigated and many preliminary decisions made. Richard to send out appropriate emails.
Still need to consider:
How do these suggestions map to the threads and the number of slots in each
Would this provide a "balanced" program?
Are there any clear holes we need to fill?
What do we need to do asap to fully populate a balanced set of workshops?
- Any other business
, multiple selections available,