2016-04-28 HC2016 Host Committee Meeting notes
2016-04-28 HC2016 Host Committee Meeting notes
- Patrick Yott
- sanderson
- Eben English
- Mike Korcynski
- Adrienne Pruitt
- Richard Green
Budget link
- Adrienne got prices from the Sheraton, which were added to the dinner spreadsheet. Prices are prohibitive.
- District Hall can only seat 100 for dinner, so that's out.
- Waterworks Museum: cheapest option, but far away, and current quotes (~$80/person) are only for appetizers.
The group agreed that dinner options are not working out, costs are too high, so we will not offer a dinner as part of the ticket price/program, and will go with the reception idea instead.
- Adrienne is willing to organize dine-arounds or dinner signups for dinner options.
- Eben re-estimated the cost based on 290 attendees, and updated budget spreadsheet. Price is around $85/person.
- Might be possible to get sponsors to defray some of the reception cost?
- BPL cannot contribute $$ for this.
- WGBH likely does not have any $$ available for this.
- Tufts and Northeastern may have some funds – Alicia and Patrick will look into this.
- Some tech/corporate sponsors might be available – Steering is not opposed to having sponsors for the reception.
- With the reception, this will push the registration cost around $200. Steering is comfortable with this amount.
- BPL will set up the Eventbrite account to handle conference registration.
- The hotel registration link is ready to go whenever this is needed.
- BPL folks have not gotten together to discuss this yet. Eben will set up a meeting.
- Currently estimating about $2,500 for this, which has been added to the budget spreadsheet.
Poster Printing
- Patrick got quotes for poster printing from FedEx and Northeastern's campus printing shop:
- FedEx: $12.25 per sq. ft.
- FedEx is a block away from BPL.
- Northeastern: $11 per sq. ft.
- Problem of how to transport posters to BPL.
- FedEx: $12.25 per sq. ft.
- The printing cost will not be part of the registration, institutions will be responsible for this cost.
- Tufts has easels available
- Logistics of getting them to the BPL not yet evaluated.
Program Committee report
- Program committee meetings are underway.
- Possible facilities needs are still shaping up, but here is a preliminary look:
- Monday
- All day: all available rooms
- Tuesday
- AM: pleneary in main space
- PM: poster sessions
- Wednesday
- AM: parallel tracks, all available rooms
- PM: unconference, all available rooms
- Thursday
- AM: unconference, all available rooms
- Monday
Action Items
- BPL will have a meeting to determine how much signage will be needed
- BPL will finalize budget draft
- Northeastern, Tufts, and WGBH will explore sponsorship $$ for reception.
- Tufts will look into obtaining easels – Update: Tufts is able to secure 60 easels.
Next Conference Calls:
- Thursday May 5 at 11am.
- Thursday May 19 at 11am.
, multiple selections available,
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