2016-03-19  First call for program suggestions

2016-03-19  First call for program suggestions


Hydra Connect 2016  3-6 October, 2016 in Boston, MA.  Call for program suggestions



As this year’s major meetings get under way with LDCX, Hydra Power Steering and a Hydra Developers Congress in Stanford this coming week, it seems a good idea to be able to capture any ideas for Hydra Connect 2016 that may come out of them.


These might be ideas for workshops or demonstrations for the Monday, or they might be for 5, 10 or 20 minute presentations, discussion groups or another format you'd like to suggest during the conference proper.  It may be that you will offer to facilitate or present the item yourself or it may be that you'd like the Program Committee to commission the slot from someone else - you could maybe suggest a name.  As in the past, we shall be attempting to serve the needs of attendees from a wide range of experience and background (potential adopters, new adopters, "old hands"; developers, managers, sysops etc) and, if it isn't obvious, it may be helpful if you tell us who would be the target audience.  We're delighted to be able to tell you that we are in the process of forming the Hydra Connect 2016 Program Committee so that detailed preparation will soon be underway for an exciting few days in Boston this Fall;  the local organizing Committee has already been meeting for some time.  If you haven’t already reserved the dates, now might be a good time to do so!


Please, if you have ideas for the HC2016 program add them to the wiki page at https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Suggestions+for+HC2016+program – or email them to hydra-connect@googlegroups.com and we can add them for you.  Oh!  And in case you’re wondering we hope to open booking around the time of Open Repositories 2016 which starts on 13th June.




Richard (on behalf of the just-being-formed Program Committee)!

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