2016-07-19 Program Committee

2016-07-19 Program Committee


Documents folder




  1.  Welcome

  2. Next call:  26 July 2016 - 08:30 west coast, 11:30 east coast, 16:30 UK
    Apologies in advance from Jocelyn.

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Updates
    1. Sessionizer
      Erin has deployed this to a personal account and is trying to make it "friendlier" to our needs in 2016.  Work ongoing. 
    2. Rooming
    3. Scholarships
    4. Booking
      Currently 68 
    5. Accommodating possible Mexican interest (see email to Connect list from Tom Cramer July 1st.)
      1. Status check on Spanish text for wiki page
        This was set up with the help of Hector Correa who has also volunteered to field any Spanish queries

  5. Program. 
    1. Vertical threads: Managers, Devs, Metadata, Sysops, Newbies, All.
      1. Outline timetable grids now at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxETo9Nbsh6wcVNlVmN2S0RCUVE
    2. What are we going to provide by way of
      1. Workshops - this is the most urgent of the group
        1. Fedora 4?
          The Fedora folks will organise this.  Details tba
        2. Orientation sessions
          These will be timetabled and the detail sorted out asap. 
        3. Continuity and repeat sessions - see Mark Bussey's email forwarded to the list by Richard on 7/18
        4. Workshops timetabled.  Please look at this draft carefully before the next call to see if it makes sense as a coherent offering.  This will be tweaked and/or approved on 26th call before being made public.
      2. Plenaries
      3. Parallel presentations (and panels)
        1. Once workshops are sorted this is the next priority.
      4. Lightning talks
        Don't forget last year's attendees suggested more time for these in 2016 
      5. Posters
      6. Unconference
      7. WG/IGs

    3. Suggestions at the moment transferred to Waffle Board here
      1. Further work to consider existing and new tickets.
      2. Still need to consider:
        How do these suggestions map to the threads and the number of slots in each
        Would this provide a "balanced" program?
        Are there any clear holes we need to fill?
        What do we need to do asap to fully populate a balanced set of workshops? 

  6. Any other business

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