2016-05-03 Program Committee



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  1.  Welcome

  2. Date of next call 17 May 2016, 1630UK, 1130ET, 0830PT
    Advance apologies from Richard - on vacation - who will provide an agenda, initiate it, facilitate, notetake?
    Jim and Karen will do this between them.

  3. Additions/changes to agenda

  4. Overall structure of conference days
    1. Boston Public Library are anxious to know what rooms are likely to be needed and when even if this gets radically changed later.  
      1. Can we assume the same basic structure for the conference as previously?
        Yes.  Steven will confirm this with the organizing committee
    2. Room calendar
      1. Last call you asked for a room calendar to work with.  It's here.
      2. Start and end times of sessions (BPL doesn't normally open until 9.00am)
        Steven will check about the costs of opening various rooms early.  Intention would be to provide a breakfast space until all the conference rooms open at 9.00.  If possible don't schedule the breakfast space for the first session in the morning to allow for clearing.
        Need to decide how/where/when to provide registration space and a contact person throughout the conference.

  5. Scholarships committee
    1. How is this being progressed?
      Steven will contact the volunteers and get the process rolling.  Richard will send a copy of OR's application form for reference.

  6. Program.  Is there more that needs doing immediately?
    1. Very, very outline version of program needs agreeing to go on the wiki page - See 4(a)
    2. Contact HyBox team about the way they'd like to be represented?
      Erin will ask them.  HyBox shouldn't be allowed to dominate the conference; there is much else going on. 
    3. Contact Mark Bussey about the potential use of Sessionizer for the unconference?
      Richard will invite Mark to join the call on 5/31 to talk through the possibilities of Sessionizer. 
    4. Put out a call for workshop proposals (requesting title, length, audience, learning objectives)?
      1. (Last year's wiki page: HC2015 suggestions for the program)
      2. Deadline?
        Yes we should.  Text and deadline tbd. 
    5. ?
    6. Waffle Board at https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/hydra-connect
      1. Please check you have access to it
    7. Posters
      1. FYI:  The local organizers are looking to provide printing local to the BPL similar to last year

  7. Any other business