2016-04-19 Program Committee

2016-04-19 Program Committee




Don't panic!  This isn't as long as it looks!

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Note taker and facilitator
    The group accepted Richard's offer to be scribe for these calls. 
  3. Date of next call:  3 May 2016, 1630UK, 1130ET, 0830PT
  4. Additions/changes to agenda?
  5. Why are we all here?
    1. Richard as scribe, administrator and Steering Group liaison
    2. Steven / Eben as Host Committee liaison
    3. Everyone else, to design and commission the program for an excellent HC2016!
  6. Facilities available in Boston
    1. Workshops (Monday 3rd October)
    2. Main conference (Tuesday 4th October and Wednesday 5th October am)
    3. Unconference (Wednesday 5th October pm and Thursday 6th October)
      Same rooms available for all days at Boston Public Library and Northeastern University (recommended hotel is half way between):

      Boston Public Library:

      Rabb Lecture Hall - approx 300
      Commonwealth Salon - lecture style - approx 100
      McKim Conference Room A & B - lecture style, but flexible - 100 total, or 2 x 50
      Orientation Room - lecture style - 50
      Gustavino Room - flexible - 180 seated, 240 standing

      Northeastern University, two rooms, 35 + 50
  7. Structure of conference (at past HCs)
    1. Monday - workshops: parallel themed or targeted tracks
    2. Tuesday morning - plenary
    3. Tuesday afternoon - poster session
    4. Wednesday morning - parallel themed or targeted presentations
    5. Wednesday afternoon and Thursday - unconference
  8. Getting under way
    1. Soliciting and commissioning content (see  Suggestions for HC2016 program)
    2. Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers
    3. DCE's tool for timetabling unconference sessions
    4. Useful documents from last year
  9. Progress so far:  2016-03-19  First call for program suggestions 
  10. Scholarship:  The Sheraton is offering two free rooms as part of the block booking.  The Host Committee would like to offer two (/?) scholarships in conjunction with these (hotel + registration). Hydra lists will be mailed to invite the formation of a Scholarship Committee to deal with the whole procedure. Richard has access to the Scholarship Application Form from Open Repositories (as one of the authors) which could be used as a basis for a Hydra application form.
  11. Next steps
    1. Steven and Richard will put together a Google spreadsheet as the basis for planning room usage.
    2. Richard will write a draft email requesting volunteers for the Scholarship Committee.  As a rider it will point to an upcoming email which will solicit program ideas.
    3. Richard will draft an email soliciting ideas for the program.
    4. All - review emails and comment.
    5. Karen will put together a Waffle Board to aid construction of the program.  All - please send your Google credentials (or add them here as a comment) so that she can add permissions for you.
  12. AOB


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