2016-04-19 Program Committee
2016-04-19 Program Committee
- sanderson(Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison)
Eben English(Boston Public Library; Host Committee liaison)- kestlund (Penn State)
eefahy(Stanford)- Richard Green (Hull; Steering Group liaison and admin)
- Sheila Rabun (Oregon)
Jocelyn Triplett (Virginia)Apologies- James Tuttle (Duke)
Don't panic! This isn't as long as it looks!
- Welcome and introductions
- Note taker and facilitator
The group accepted Richard's offer to be scribe for these calls. - Date of next call: 3 May 2016, 1630UK, 1130ET, 0830PT
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Why are we all here?
- Richard as scribe, administrator and Steering Group liaison
- Steven / Eben as Host Committee liaison
- Everyone else, to design and commission the program for an excellent HC2016!
- Facilities available in Boston
- Workshops (Monday 3rd October)
- Main conference (Tuesday 4th October and Wednesday 5th October am)
- Unconference (Wednesday 5th October pm and Thursday 6th October)
Same rooms available for all days at Boston Public Library and Northeastern University (recommended hotel is half way between):
Boston Public Library:
Rabb Lecture Hall - approx 300
Commonwealth Salon - lecture style - approx 100
McKim Conference Room A & B - lecture style, but flexible - 100 total, or 2 x 50
Orientation Room - lecture style - 50
Gustavino Room - flexible - 180 seated, 240 standing
Northeastern University, two rooms, 35 + 50
- Structure of conference (at past HCs)
- Monday - workshops: parallel themed or targeted tracks
- Tuesday morning - plenary
- Tuesday afternoon - poster session
- Wednesday morning - parallel themed or targeted presentations
- Wednesday afternoon and Thursday - unconference
- Getting under way
- Soliciting and commissioning content (see Suggestions for HC2016 program)
- Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers
- DCE's tool for timetabling unconference sessions
- Useful documents from last year
- Progress so far: 2016-03-19 First call for program suggestions
- Scholarship: The Sheraton is offering two free rooms as part of the block booking. The Host Committee would like to offer two (/?) scholarships in conjunction with these (hotel + registration). Hydra lists will be mailed to invite the formation of a Scholarship Committee to deal with the whole procedure. Richard has access to the Scholarship Application Form from Open Repositories (as one of the authors) which could be used as a basis for a Hydra application form.
- Next steps
- Steven and Richard will put together a Google spreadsheet as the basis for planning room usage.
- Richard will write a draft email requesting volunteers for the Scholarship Committee. As a rider it will point to an upcoming email which will solicit program ideas.
- Richard will draft an email soliciting ideas for the program.
- All - review emails and comment.
- Karen will put together a Waffle Board to aid construction of the program. All - please send your Google credentials (or add them here as a comment) so that she can add permissions for you.
, multiple selections available,
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