2016-09-08 HC2016 Host Committee
- Steven Anderson
- Eben English
- mike korcynski
- Adrienne Pruitt (Deactivated)
- Richard Green
- Patrick Yott
- Karen Cariani
- Alicia Morris
- Here's the link to the signup sheet Steven created: Hydra Connect 2016 Volunteers
Steven will reorganize the signup sheet to clarify what times people are signing up for. It should completed by end of day 9/12/2016. Anyone from the host institutions can volunteer to be a room captain. Room captains should sign up for morning or afternoon shifts for each room. The signup for poster sessions will be in 1 hour blocks so everyone gets a chance to see the posters. AV Helpers will be in the lecture hall for the lightning talks
Volunteers from host institutions who aren’t registered will be allowed to be a room captain. If we can’t get enough volunteers from host institutions by the end of next week we will send the link out to the Hydra community for volunteers.
There will be a briefing at the BPL before the conference for the captains.
Richard mentioned that we will need a location and someone to take the official photo on Tuesday at lunchtime. The photo will be taken in the lecture theater just after the Plenary on Tuesday. Karen will reach out to the communications team at WGBH for someone to take the photo.
- Conference hotels are sold out.
- Can we use a map like this for straglers? https://www.google.com/maps/search/hotels+near+the+boston+public+library/@42.3481107,-71.0788747,17z/data=!3m1!4b1
- Karen will add some info about hotels in other neighborhoods to the HydraConnect wiki.
Audio recording
- BPL will get required equipment by next week. Northeastern may be able to provide needed equipment - they just need a list.
Boston info for wiki
- The section for Boston info on the wiki needs some work. Please add info, particularly any restaurants you know about here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Hydra+Connect+2016#HydraConnect2016-GettingAroundTown
- Social activities: The host committee should organize activities like: newcomer dinner, other dinners, game night. Steven has set up a google doc for dinners https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kk_e5iEw2lltL2Dmf_bICnQwib-2piGM-Vmbj5l-OIU/edit
- Please add separate docs for individual events such as an outing to the MFA, a Duck Tour, etc.
- Sponsorships - Sponsors should be receiving invoices next week.
- BPL is exploring other options besides FedEX for printing. Emily is looking into that.
Next meeting
- Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday Sept. 22, 11:00am-12:00pm.