Hydra Connect 2014 Planning Team
Hydra Connect 2014 Planning Team
The 2014 Hydra Connect Planning Team will help determine the structure and agenda for the event, solicit input & materials from Partners, and help run the logistics while on site.
Planning Team members:
- Mark Bussey
- Karen Cariani
- Tom Cramer
- Richard Green
- Robin Ruggaber
- Bess Sadler
- Declan Fleming
- Mark Notess
- your name here
Local Hosts:
- Declan Fleming (UCSD)
- Matt Critchlow (UCSD)
Key Topics
- get estimate on numbers of attendees - see Hydra Connect 2014 Attendee/Needs Estimation
- get a hotel block in SD
- identify rooms needed in SD for library
- 2+2 or 3+1
- make a call for proposals
- for demos
- for posters
- for tutorials
- for working groups / BOFs
- social program
Straw Schedule for Hydra Connect 2014
Planning Team Kickoff Meeting - Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Meeting Notes
- Logistics
- Estimate of attendees - Robin to setup attendee list
- Cap attendance at 100
- Partner (& Adopter) Invites - Robin to setup partners list, this committee to self-organize and personally invite contacts at each institution
- Institution Name, person making invite, person invited, date of invite
- Lodging
- Stanford (Ava) to investigate room blocks
- DCE (Eddie & Mark) to investigate house rental options
- Estimate of attendees - Robin to setup attendee list
- Conference Schedule
- Demos, Posters, Birds-of-a-feather, Lightning Talks, Pre-conference workshop
- Day #1 (Tuesday) - Breakouts + Workshops
- 4 conference rooms (accommodate approximately 100 people)
- Potential pre-conference workshops - Bess will send out an email asking about what workshops people want
RailsBridge- Dive into Hydra
- GIS for Hydra
- Hydra for Managers
- Open Track planning
- Day #2 (Wednesday) - Plenary (+ Breakouts)
- Ballroom + potentially keep conference rooms
- Day #3 (Thursday) - Plenary (+ Breakouts)
- Ballroom + potentially keep conference rooms
- Day #4 (Friday) - Breakouts
- 4 conference rooms
- Decide on Conference fees (& swag)
- Robin - put up attendee (registration page) Hydra Connect 2014 Attendee/Needs Estimation
- Robin - put up invite list - see Hydra Connect 2014 Outreach
- Stanford - Ava to investigate hotel blocks near UCSD campus
- DCE - Mark / Eddie - investigate B&B / House rental options
- Mark - draft invite and schedule e-mail, distribute for review prior to Friday's call
- Mark - provide sample EventBrite prior to Friday's call / DLF? - see https://hydra-connect-2014.eventbrite.com/
Planning Team Meeting - Friday, October 30, 2013
- Tom C., Robin R., Richard G. Mark B., Bess S.
- Tom C., Robin R., Richard G. Mark B., Bess S.
- Review Previous Action Items
- Attendee signup -
- Decide on Conference fees (& swag)
- Charge $40 per attendee - DCE to collect and redistribute as determined
- Tom to check on whether additional shirts needed
- Stickers & Bookmarks
- Draft conference agenda
- Identify & solicit potential presenters
- Other
- Review Previous Action Items
- Mark - Check-in with Declan regarding refreshments during meeting days
- Morning coffee & pastries - at breaks
- Afternoon snacks - afternoon break
- Chris & Richard - check inventory of stickers & bookmarks
- Tom - check on T-Shirt inventory
- All - solicit potential presenters
- Ask all partners to prepare at least one 'Poster' or 'Live Demo' for Wednesday Poster Session
- Solicit demos for Curate/Sufia/Shared-IR; Avalon; DIL; HydraDAM
- 24x7s - coordinated with Poster session if possible
- Mark - finalize conference agenda - draft here: HydraConnect - Conference Agenda
- Robin - set up Nov & Dec planning meetings
- Mark - check on Event Brite name badges - 12/2 update: can be done easily from Eventbrite
- Mark - Check-in with Declan regarding refreshments during meeting days
, multiple selections available,
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