November 2017 Samvera Partner Meeting Agenda

November 2017 Samvera Partner Meeting Agenda

Date and Time

Thursday, November 9 10:30 AM - Friday, November 10 2:00 PM


Ver Steeg Lounge
University (Main) Library
Northwestern University
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208

Walking map from Hilton Orrington to University Library

A group will be walking over from the Hilton Orrington to the library immediately following Thursday morning's 9 - 9:50am Governance Community Discussion in Grand Parlour - B. 

Agenda Topics 

Facilitated by Jon Dunn

  • The 2017 Samvera Annual Report – what things should be in it and who should write them? - kestlund
  • Recapping the Hyrax 2.x-3.x roadmap (if useful) - Steve Van Tuyl
  • Communicating Samvera to the wider community - Chris Awre and Jon Dunn
  • Governance models - evviva and kestlund
  • How to incorporate one-time and recurring accessibility testing in the community, esp. with regards to Hyrax - kestlundMark Bussey 
  • Resourcing ongoing documentation in 2018 - bess
  • Spending plans – spending was put on hold during rebranding – so what would partners prioritize for Samvera and how do we ensure it happens? - Tom Cramer


  1. evviva, Northwestern University
  2. Linda Newman, University of Cincinnati
  3. Mike Giarlo, Stanford University
  4. Jeremy Friesen, Notre Dame
  5. Nabeela Jaffer, University of Michigan
  6. Richard Green, Hull
  7. Benjamin Armintor, Columbia University
  8. Karen Cariani, WGBH
  9. Jon Dunn, Indiana University
  10. Alicia Morris, Tufts University
  11. Jon Stroop, Princeton University Library
  12. Simeon Warner, Cornell University
  13. Tom Cramer, Stanford
  14. Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern (have to cut out for a meeting from 11-12 on Thursday)
  15. kestlund, Penn State
  16. Steve Van Tuyl, oregon state university
  17. Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
  18. Noah Botimer, University of Michigan
  19. Margaret Mellinger, Oregon State University 
  20. John Weise, University of Michigan
  21. Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
  22. awoods, DuraSpace (Thurs only)
  23. Chris Awre, University of Hull
  24. Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts
  25. bess, Data Curation Experts
  26. Thomas Johnson, Data Curation Experts
  27. arouner, Washington University in St. Louis 
  28. David Wilcox, DuraSpace (Thurs only)
  29. Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
  30. Ryan Steans, Avalon
  31. John Ajao, University of California Santa Barbara
  32. Fleming, Declan (Deactivated), UCSD
  33. Robin Lindley Ruggaber, UVA
  34. Jonathan Petters, Virginia Tech
  35. Brian Hole, Ubiquity Press
  36. Adrienne Pruitt, Tufts University (Thurs only)
  37. Add your name here!

Meeting Notes:
