March 2018 Developer Congress Meeting Agenda
- Date/time:Ā March 29-30, 2018 - 9am to 5pm
- Location:Ā IC Classroom (Green Library East 166), 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA (map)
- Facilitator:Ā Ā bess
- Registration form:Ā
- Code of conduct:Ā This event follows theĀ Samvera Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.
- Lodging and Transportation:Ā
Note: please consider attending and separatelyĀ registering for LDCXĀ on the preceding Monday through Wednesday.
- Focused face to face time for Samvera developer community
- Knowledge sharing, new developer on-boarding, & paring time
- Community code exchange
- Move community development goals forward
Dev Congress Rough Schedule
Thursday AM
8:30 am to 9 am:Ā Coffee and introductions
9:00 am to 9:30 am: Start of ConferenceĀ
Fast Introductions
One Minute Curated Session Pitches (sign up here)
- Hyrax Release 2.1.0 - bug fixes (Lynette Rayle)
- Actor StackĀ ā Dry Transactions (tamsin woo)
Plenary TopicsĀ (10 minutes max per topic, if further discussion is needed a group can be spun off)
- Core Components Working Group (bess,Ā tamsin johnson)
- Developer OnboardingĀ (tamsin woo)
9:30 AM to 11:10 AM:Ā Group WorkĀ or breakout to
Component Maintenance discussion in Partners Meeting
11:10 am to 11:30:Ā Groups report on morning work
Thursday PM
1:00 pm to 4:45 pm:Ā Continuation of Group Topics
4:45 am to 5:00:Ā Groups report on morning work
Friday AM
8:30 am to 9 am:Ā Coffee
9:00 am to 9:30 am: Road map (sorta). Where would we like to go?
- Road Map (more of a wishlist):
- Blacklight 7 - requires bootstrap 4 - we should use it!
- Valkyrie Hyrax
- Data mapper pattern instead of Active Redord
- Advantage: you can run tests w/ fedora objects just in memory
- Advantage: you can swap out fedora for other persistence stores
- Hyrax decoupled feature specs
- Hyrax UI / API separation
- Extract Plugins
- Actor Stack refactorĀ ā DRY Transactions
- Solrizer is going away
- It's functionality has been incorporated into AF See issue AF #1303
- Can that really happen?Ā
- cam156 is the product owner and will move this forward one way or another
- Hyrax Accessibility (A11y) -Ā bess will talk toĀ Mark Bussey about next steps
- Explore the impact of Bootstrap 4
- Hyrax Analytics -Ā
- Documentation
- Migration of fully populated repositories and documentation of the process
- Component maintenance will involve documentation review and production
- Frustrations with current documentation site:
- Empty pages (remove them and replace them with TODO tickets)
- Review wiki and replace with pointers to site
- Review website and replace with pointers to site
- Add a header to the samvera wiki with a reminder that techncial documentation belongs in the site
- Bess will talk to Justin about how to remove and replace it with a pointer to the new location of that info
9:30 am to 10:00 am:Ā Repitch and reconvene groups
10:00Ā am to 11:10 am:Ā Group Work
11:10 am to 11:30:Ā Groups report on morning work
Thursday PM
1:00 pm to 4:45 pm:Ā Continuation of Group Topics
4:45 am to 5:00:Ā Groups report on morning work
Potential Topics (Add your ideas here)
Development Ideas (Add your ideas here)
- A sentence or more about your development idea, and how long you think it will take to implement with a team of ~5 developers. (Your name) Take a look here for more ideas:ĀĀ andĀ February Hydra Developer Congress
- Extract Sipity from Hyrax to an engine or microservice. ~1.5 days (justin)
- Bug fixes for v2.1.0 release (Lynette Rayle)
- Core components working group - prioritize work, populate backlogs, kick off work for phase 2 of the WG (bess)
- Optimization of nested collection indexing.Ā (LaRita Robinson) minimally address issue: which may require changes in ActiveFedora (help wanted)
- Explore dry-transaction (Ā as a potential replacement for the actor stackĀĀ (time box to 1 day)Ā (tamsin woo)
- How do we onboard new developers to the community? Ā What could be covered quickly - e.g. in 4 days or so at Samvera Camp? Ā What things need more time and mentoring from others in the community? (Mark Bussey)
- If you were going to attend an Advanced Samvera Camp, what topics would you like to see covered? (bess,Ā Mark Bussey)
- Sorting tables. The final frontier.Ā
Development Ideas, Prioritized (for later use, pls do not edit)
Rank | Well Defined | Achievable by Friday | Feature/Description |
Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |