Developer Congress - Monday 21st October 2019

Developer Congress - Monday 21st October 2019

The Samvera Community will be hosting a Developer Congress to get together and work on a variety of issues as an effort to introduce newcomers to the codebase, document our code, and continue to improve our software together.  It is a companion meeting to Connect 2019 and does not form part of the conference proper; as such, a conference registration is not required to attend.

The following community members will be in attendance to lend their support, if you intend to take part in this event please add your name below:


Olin Library (map) in Instruction Room 3. 


  • This is a self-organizing working meeting.
  • Coffee and bagels will be provided in the morning. For the rest of the day there's a coffee bar in the library.
  • Take a look at the project board and consider whether you want to sponsor a ticket / project (either something on there or something you want to add).


9:00 AM Introductions 

9:10 AM Pitches

  • MC will walk through items on the board / coordinate that by asking for others to advocate for each item.
  • Support one of the ideas on the board or add your own.
  • Senior developers please do remember that we are here to onboard people who are newer to the community.

9:30 AM Break into groups

  • Arrange sponsors around the room with large post-its or something. Attendees can distribute themselves as desired.

Noon-1:30 PM Lunch (on your own)

1:30 PM Reports from groups (timebox these)

1:45 PM Reconvene into groups

4:30 PM Final report-out and retro


Local host liason: Phil Suda

MCs: Anna Headley and Chris Colvard

Trey PendragonPrinceton University Library
LaRita Robinson

Notre Dame

Anna HeadleyPrinceton University Library
Princeton University Library


tamsin wooUC Santa Barbara
Chris Colvard (Deactivated)Indiana University
Alexandra DunnUC Santa Barbara
Thomas ScherzUniversity of Cincinnati
Cornell University
Julie Allinson


Huawei WengUC San Diego
Brian KeeseIndiana University
Daniel PierceIndiana University
Indiana University
Adam PloshayIndiana University
Michael B. KleinNorthwestern University
Jason CorumWGBH
Jacob ReedUniversity of Utah
Collin Brittle

Emory University

christina chortariaPrinceton University Library
jamieData Curation Experts

Oregon State University

JP EngstromNotch8
Kelly ChessNotch8
Kiah StroudNotch8


We are still populating issues to work on, but you can see the current plan here: https://github.com/orgs/samvera/projects/4

If you would like to be an advocate for something please either mention it in the Samvera Slack #developer-congress channel or bring your ideas to the Developer Congress. See you there!

Final Report Outs

"Wings Development". 6 issues that were all relating to jobs trying to get done. SUPER close on all of them. Expecting to tidy it up in the corners of the week. They're very close. These were all permission oriented jobs. Did a lot of discussing about what Valkyrie is/Wings/Etc. Progress thanks to well made tickets.

"Hydra-Editor." Took a long time, but they have a PR and one set of specs is finished. Just about there. The next thing is to release 2.5.2 of Hyrax with the fixed Hydra-Editor/SimpleForm

"Browse-Everything 2.0 Group" Making steady progress in onboarding and getting environments set up for working on a testing framework for the javascript frontend. One PR for isolating/testing one component in the UI. Some difficulty getting the dev. environment set up. Added an Apache 2 license and moved the repository to samvera-labs.

"Hydra-Works Clamby" Wrapped stuff up. Got a PR submitted with integration tests in CircleCI that test ClamAV through Clamby. Done! When it's merged.

"Bundling Javascript". That went fine, but it broke all of Hyrax's unit tests. Trying to figure out how to get the unit tests to run, but unfortunately was unable to. That work is in pull request: TBD

"Production Install Guide": Coordinating with product owner to push up the guide up to the samvera.github.io domain.

"Create/Document/Test Migration Process from Wings to other Valkyrie Adapters." Given by Randall. Started with a barebones blank Hyrax master, created a work type, was able to cast it to a Valkyrie::Resource. Just finished spinning up a barebones Valkyrie app to do a read/write migration. The manual recipe was pretty successful. Interested in creating more documentation. Planning to do more with it.

"Hyrax 3 Blockers." Found the commit that broke it. Has yet to be solved. If you attempt to create a new work, and you try to add a user as an edit_user, when you go to create or save the work it comes with a no agent error. Traced to a change where extraneous ACLs were created.

"ActiveFedora removal from Hydra Editor". Success! There should be a PR or something soon.


We ran into a bottleneck of containers. Maybe we could buy more CircleCI containers next time?

Too many people for the space - we should double the RSVPs.

Some people didn't know how to RSVP.

Coordinators did awesome!!

Participation was really good.

Power strips were great, WiFi held up. Could use a fan.

Team Picking worked out great.

Pre-seeding the board worked out well.

It worked well to create "umbrella" thematic ticket notes on the Board.j

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