May 11, 2012
May 11, 2012
Hydra Partners call, 11 May 2012 8:30 AM PDT
Tom Cramer, Jessie Keck, Chris Beer, Naomi Dushay (SU); Robin Ruggaber, Ray Lubinski (UVa); Adam Wead (RockHall); Mike Stroming, Steve Didomenico (Northwestern); Dan Brubaker-Horst (ND); Matt Zumwalt (MediaShelf); Chris Awre (Hull)
1. logistics for June Partners Meeting at Charlottesville
2. agenda for June Partners meeting at Charlottesville
3. Hydra MOU and 1 page partner letter of agreement
- Brown Science & Engineering Library is in walking distance
- has numerous breakout rooms
- Monticello tour planned for Weds night. $45. Sign up on wiki Attendees list
- Himalayan Fusion for Weds night tentatively planned
Agenda additions:
- Version hoe-down: What version are people at, and how are people upgrading, what are the upgrade paths, issues?
- How can local institutions best keep pace with keeping local apps in sync with latest developments?
- taking advantage of new features
- avoiding unmanageable technical debt in leaping from
- distinct but related issue: what system components are people running hydra stack on (OS, server)
- OR12
- detailed plan for Hydra Workshop
- detailed plan for HydraSphere
- Fall Webinars for DuraSpace
- Training
- Penn State has offered to host HydraCamp in Fall. Going to be at Penn State w/ dates TBA soon
- Hydra Partner Show & Tell
- HH5 – update & planning
- Hypatia sync up (if Ben A. is attending)
- Dev topics:
- process for deprecating & removing code
- UI code modularization
- Code license review, rationalization, standardization
Additional attendees? Robin will ping several partners to see if they will be attending
JoDI Article on Hydra published last month
- link to from Hydra Web site and wiki
Ariadne Article on CLIF (Hull) also published.
MOU Update
- MOU Update and Letter of Agreement done
- distributed to Partners shortly
- license agreements are an open item; to be approached in next month
, multiple selections available,
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