September 2011 Agenda and Notes
September 2011 Agenda and Notes
- Meeting Location: Northwestern University
- Dates: Thursday, September 8 - Saturday, September 10
- Thursday: 10 AM Assembly, 10:30 AM start time (Faculty Lounge - 3rd Floor South Tower)
- Friday: Steering from 8 - 9:30 AM (Skype in Tim), Partners Meeting start at 9:30 AM (Faculty Lounge - 3rd Floor South Tower)
- Saturday: 0800 start. Finish at/after Lunch (Faculty Lounge - 3rd Floor South Tower)
- Roster of Attendees
Agenda items
Steering Group
- Licensing & collaboration agreement
- Mechanisms for keeping projecthydra.org up to date
- Should Hydra provide an 'out of the box' demo DVD/download? (Current installation isn't easy?)
- Role of DuraSpace in provision of services (incubation, etc.)
- DPLA Beta Sprint
- Organization of code & licensing
- where in GitHub should code be?
- how is code officially designated as "Hydra"
- where does license file go?
- what does it state?
Partners Plenary
Thursday Plenary
- Institutional Updates, Demos, Goals and Timelines
- Build technical roadmap as we go
- Build community roadmap as we go
- Rockhall: Media & PBCore work, MARC display & BL
- Marpa Foundation Archive: Courses & Sessions with multilingual content
- NARM: metadata management, processing & browsing
- Stanford update
- Hull update
- Notes on Stanford, Hull, and MediaShelf Demos
- NU and ND demos etc
Friday Morning - Plenary
- Virginia update and timeline
Hydra-Head: What do we need to do with the software right now?
- What will it take to finish the release
- What will it take to refactor to rails3
- How to flesh out the content types? / What content-types (data models?) should be in the hydra-head plugin?
Hydra-Head: Code collaboration and management
- Move to Quarterly releases w/ release manager?
- relative merits of time-based releases to feature-based releases
- is Hydra mature enough to move this structure
- release manager: responsibilities & rotation of roles
- Hydra vs. distributed component-based approaches (hydra_head, OM, AF, solrizer, heads)
- Move to Quarterly releases w/ release manager?
- Hydra-Head: What is the long-term trajectory?
- Goals of the project
- Are we creating an application or an application framework?
Hydra-Head: How easy is it for community to adopt?
- Should we have an online demo?
- Should we have a downloadable DVD?
- Is the documentation sufficient for new users?
- Enrollment Updates - Talks, Queries and Responses
- Communication - How to most effectively use our tools and our time
- License & collaboration agreement for Partners
Friday Afternoon Plenary
Hydra Plugin Architecture (possible breakout)
- How does Plugin Architecture work in theory?
- What are status / plans around Plugin Architecture?
- proposal: 2 different subsets of mods metadata; basic fedora with dc desc metadata; image object; something that uses "default" views (unrecognized model
- Plugin Notes
Subcomponent releases?
- Who are the component leads, and when do they rotate?
- Nominations:
- Hydra-Head Release Manager: Julie Meloni
- OM: Michael Klein
- ActiveFedora: Justin Coyne (Rick Johnson next?)
- Solrizer: Edwin Shin
- Website: Richard Green
- Rotation Schedule
- Rotate hydra-head Release Manager & Component Leads at same time
- First rotation: after release of hydra-head 3.0.0
- Next rotation: at next Partners Meeting
Media breakout conversation (60 min)
- Rockhall: Media & PBCore work, MARC display & BL
- Roadmap & coordination of efforts.
- How do we work with PBCore
Saturday Morning Breakouts
Authn and Authz
- How this is being managed at various sites
- Variations-specific requirements and plans
- compare notes with Wisconsin / Scott about plans for rightsMD:XACML (Scott reports that UW not ready for engaging on this yet; expect to ramp up considerably in 2012)
- Micro-services inside Fedora
- Blacklight 4 v Blacklight Lite (is there a point where Hydra might want to fork Blacklight - raised over drinks at OR?)
- Training & Coordination - where to get training?
Atrium & Exhibits
/ ("I want Omeka using Blacklight without Solr")
- Reuse of existing NW and ND code?
- Variable resolution image services and how to model them in Hydra
- Hypatia Project Meeting - finishing coding and wrapup steps - partners discussion
- Partners' technical roadmap
- Hyda community roadmap
Partners - offline conversations (Beer)
- Hydra-Head release details
- Rails3 & hydra-head refactoring merge
Code Sharing – infrastructure (hydra_head, etc.) & head-specific
- How is code sharing working in theory?
- How is code sharing working in practice?
- How should code sharing work--what are our to do's?
- Where should documentation live?
- Framework (ie. Rails) – basic tooling functionality that you can use to assemble an application
- Application (ie. Blacklight) – application that you configure
Partners - Not Covered
- Relationship ontologies and filters
- Pending AF enhancements dealing with Filters
- Data Modelling. Objective: As partners, identifying vocabularies, patterns, and Data Modeling best practices so that we can document, recommend or officially adopt as appropriate.
- Sets (comparing and reconciling Hypatia, Hull, NW, ND)
- EADs
- linked data & rdf vs. xml metadata for internal persistence of metadata