Hydra Connect 2014 Outreach

Hydra Connect 2014 Outreach






Academic Preservation Trust APTrustMartha SitesRobin1/6Martha will attend HC and part of our conversation concerned whether she could cover an update on APTrust or if we should have some of the other team there. Martha will discuss with the program director and then decide.
Amherst CollegeAaron CoburnMark B.11/26I made the invite as an Amherst Alum and on behalf of my role on Steering - if anyone else has direct connections with Amherst, please feel free to reinforce the invite.
Case Western Reserve UniversityRoger Zender, Virginia (Ginnie) DresslerMark B.12/2 
Digital Repository of Ireland (Trinity College)   See Hydra Camp note below.
Oregon Digital (UO and OSU)    
OxfordNeil JeffriesRichard11/27 
PrincetonJohn Stroop 11/25Registered via EventBrite on 11/25 - Should we reach out to anyone else at Princeton?
TuftsAlicia Morris, Anne Sauer, Deborah Kaplan, Mike KorcynskiMark B.12/2 

UC Santa Barbara

John AjaoMark B.12/2John Ajao said they intend to adopt - 8/24/13, John and 2 of his developers attended HydraCamp at Case in October
  • UNED National Distance  Education
  • University of Spain – Alicia López Medina
  • UIUC (Medusa Preservation Head)
  • UCSB - John Ajao said they intend to adopt - 8/24/13

Museum of Performing Arts, Barcelona

 Richard11/27Hoping to send one.
Durham, UK Richard11/27...have advertised for a developer mentioning Hydra in the job spec.
Glasgow Caledonian Richard11/27Declined.
Danish Technical University Anders  

Digital Repository of Ireland
University of Oulu
PAS, Madrid



Invites sent on the basis of their attendance at Hydra Camp in Dublin

Trinity College sending two!

Duoc UC (University of Chile at Duoc)Hector Reyes <hreyes@duoc.cl>Bess12/10They want to adopt Hydra, but are new to the project. They want to send two people but are still figuring out logistics.