2014-01-15 Hydra Connect Planning Meeting Notes


Jan 15, 2014



Discussion Items





  • time allocation for lightning talks
  • invited vs spontaneous
  • time for un-conference planning in schedule
  • Ambiquity
Tom/Mark N.
  • 20 min: Welcome & Logistics
  • 30 min: everyone introduces themselves (with 3 words or a haiku)
  • 45 min: The Hydra Way: 45 minute panel where people talk about why they participate in Hydra & what they get out of it
    • Facilitator: Karen K.
    • Adam / Justin / Michael K.
    • Bess
    • Linda (Bess will invite her)
    • Chris A.


  • final email Wednesday?
  • link to schedule/maps
  • venue information - rooms, setup particularly for Wed afternoon which will help with sign creation, equipment, etc
  • specific information on what is expected/allowable for Wed in particular
  • information about social events Tues, Wed and Thursday
  • We need an authoritative page about the conference info. Declan will work on this.
    • San Diego information
    • Dinner signups for Tuesday & Thursday
    • final schedule
    • lightning talk schedules + links to signup sheets for more
  • Robin will put up sign up sheets for lightning talks.
  • Mark & Bess will send out final invite in next 24 hours

Handouts vs Electronic

  • meeting rooms/schedule
  • map of campus
  • signage for location of scheduled events & registration
  • Can we give people a physical map of campus
  • We will put up signs the day of the event

Post Event Activities

  • Post-meeting retrospective; When is the next HydraConnect?
  • Mark N. will draft a post-conference survey
 Anti-harrassment Outstanding NeedsBess
  • Tom made a hydra-helpers google group; Bess will add names to it & update the policy statement with the new address and then send it to the community. 
  • Mark B. & Bess will send the email to hydra-partners & update websites.
  • For the conference, come up with some visible way of identifying "helpers" – ribbon? purple bow tie?
 Budget & Registration Checkin 
  • DCE will pay for Porter's Wednesday night out of conference registration fees
  • Bess will find out how much it cost to get the t-shirts printed

Action Items

  • draft final email 
  • send final email
  • Set up dinner signups & possibly restaurant reservations