Summary of the action points
Summary of the action points
- Strategic Action Plan needs updating with reference to the notes from the sessions and needs "Marketing and Growth" adding in. (SG)
- Vendors:
- Interview a vendor to find out what questions they'd ask, how they evaluate whether to take on a new technology
- Identify list of possible candidates to approach
- Devise and implement a process for dealing with IP around non-code materials (SG)
- Publish annual meeting timetable (for 2014 in the first instance)
- The Hydra way: produce document before Christmas (Tom Claire, Richard)
- Hydra for Managers: produce document before Christmas (Karen, Robin, Claire, Richard)
- Partners who have implemented APOs in some form to write it up so others can learn from them (All)
- Organise Winter meeting (Declan, Matt, Tom, Richard, and SG generally calling on others for help)
- Pursue opportunities for camps and meetings in Europe (Anders, Chris, Richard)
- OR14
- Put out an email (or several) following the OR14 CFP urging Hydra folks to work Hydra into the title of any proposals
- Try to get a block of time for Hydra to organise during the User Groups
- Plan conference goodies in advance (bookmark or similar, stickers, ...)
- Plan for awards ceremony
- Marketing (Marketing working group)
- Once we come up with concrete ideas about webinars, Jonathan can talk to the webinar scheduling folks at DuraSpace.
- Work on the glossies and other tangibles
- Get a Twitter account (there is a hydraproject account but it's suspended) and agree on a hashtag for the project . Linda Newman will be on the social media working group.
- Identify the list of conferences of interest/value. Jonathan will forward the DuraSpace calendar as a starting point.
- Articulate adopter/partner goals in the strategic plan (not sure this is phrased correctly): what are these roles and what's the relative value of each? Karen?
- Develop some guidance/help documents around how to deal with IP questions that come up when contributors want to get their institution to agree to allow them to contribute code. (Declan will start this doc).
- Resurrect the hydra trademarking conversation in steering. Chris Awre will circulate the information he has about the Madrid protocol.
- Revisit the tone of the adopter/partner language on the Hydra web site
- Get graphics (logo, poster graphix, etc.) readily available. Revitalize the 'Powered by Hydra' graphic. Mike can add this to the list of rebranding tasks he will be having a designer work on. (UVa uses already on Libra).
- Partners who have already paid for stickers, tshirts, etc. will share what they have already spent on these materials.
- Investigate possibility of professional facilitator for next strategy meeting. (SG)
- Archives vertical
- Share AIMS use cases as a reminder and to ensure we are building from these, not duplicating them (CA) - end of September
- List use cases in Hydra wiki - first week in October
- Exchange information on who is working on which use cases - end of October
- Hydra and RDF
- Start a "Hydra and RDF" page on the wiki
- Need a "Hydra and RDF" working group
- Document common transforms (in and out) between useful metadata schema and RDF
, multiple selections available,