September 2013 Developers' Meeting Attendees

September 2013 Developers' Meeting Attendees

Please sign up with name and affiliation - and note any special food needs or restrictions.

  1. Mark Bussey - Data Curation ExpertsĀ 
  2. Mike Giarlo - Penn State (Weds PM, Thurs, Fri)
  3. The Nefarious Jeff Minelli - Penn State
  4. Carolyn Cole - Penn State
  5. Dan "of the Dans" Coughlin - Penn State (W/Thurs/F)
  6. Steven Anderson - BPL
  7. Jeremy "Rowser of Rabble" Friesen - Notre Dame
  8. Dan Brubaker Horst - Notre Dame
  9. Rajesh Balekai - Notre Dame
  10. Don Brower - Notre Dame
  11. James Treacy - The Royal Library, Copenhagen (Monday - Friday AM)
  12. Jim Coble - Duke (Monday - Friday AM)
  13. Eric James - Yale
  14. Joni Barnoff - Penn State
  15. Justin Patterson - Penn State
  16. Sue Richeson - University of Virginia
  17. Mike Durbin - University of Virginia
  18. Xiaoming Wang - University of Virginia
  19. Ray Lubinsky - University of Virginia (M-W manager/dev; W-F dev)
  20. Matt Critchlow - UCSD (M-W manager/dev, W-F dev)
  21. Randall Floyd - Indiana
  22. Chris Beer - Stanford (Monday PM - Friday)
  23. Jessie "Jeff" Keck - Stanford (Monday - Friday AM)
  24. Declan Fleming - UCSD (M-W manager/dev, W-F dev)
  25. Michael "Michael" Klein - Northwestern
  26. Thomas Scherz - University of Cincinnati
  27. Mike Stroming - Northwestern