Hydra RDF Working Group
Hydra RDF Working Group
The Hydra RDF working group achieved its primary goals. Discussion of RDF issues and Hydra have been moved to the primary Hydra Tech venues, the hydra-tech list and the weekly Hydra Tech call (formerly Committers call). Please feel free to propose any RDF related issues on either the list or as an agenda item for the tech calls. - updated November 2014.
The Hydra RDF working group is a group of practitioners who have experience with, or interest in, the Resource Description Framework and who are working together to:
- Recommend best practices, patterns, recipes, and adoption guidelines with regard to RDF in Hydra
- Align RDF implementations with one another to maximize reuse and interoperability
- Craft, refine, and update tutorials relevant to RDF usage in Hydra
- Consult with Hydra users in order to lend their expertise with RDF modeling, migrating legacy data into RDF, and extending existing models gracefully
2014 Goals
- Test the Tame your RDF Metadata with ActiveFedora tutorial to ensure it still works
- Update the Tame your RDF Metadata with ActiveFedora tutorial to reflect changes soon to be flowing into ActiveFedora from the OregonDigital team
- Modify the Dive into Hydra tutorial to make use of RDF, rather than OM, by default
- Build one or more mapping tables that show ways to migrate XML schema-based metadata into RDF ontologies
- Includes descriptive, rights, and administrative (preservation, provenance, technical, source) metadata
- Flesh out the RDF consulting service and announce it to the Hydra community
- Develop a set of best practices for RDF handling that preserves the interoperability needed to reuse components, while allowing flexibility for individual implementations to choose which standards/formats to use and how much complexity to support
- Solicit and gather RDF-based conceptual models in use within the Hydra community
- RDF WG Calls
- RDF Example Use Cases
- RDF Vocabularies and Ontologies in use
- Notes from RDF in Hydra Summit at Stanford, October 2013
- Descriptions of current RDF practice among Hydra sites
- Fedora 4 as the Hydra RDF store
- Guiding Principles - GoogleDoc
, multiple selections available,
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RDF Working Session - Q3 Partner Meeting - 9/17/2013
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