Agenda: Wrap-up for Developer Congress May 13-17, 2024
Agenda: Wrap-up for Developer Congress May 13-17, 2024
May 17, 2024, 3 PM Eastern
Required roles: Host, note-taker
- Host will use the list of topics in the wiki to call on each facilitator. Facilitators should summarize:
- The focus of the group
- What the group accomplished
- Whether there are next steps or follow-up steps and how those have been captured
- Host will lead a retrospective
- proposed format: plus/delta
- Give 3 minutes at the beginning to allow people to take notes on what they want to say
- Host invites people to "raise hand" to contribute to the retro
- Participants can speak to both categories at once to reduce the time spent calling on people.
- Ensure the notes are open so people can add things later
Samvera documentation
- Reworked Samvera's confluence knowledge base to have a Hyrax section w/core components
- Tested adding links to documentation stored on the Samvera repos on github. Discovered pattern on the repos where the landing page has intro info and wiki has more in-depth info.
- Samvera maintenance repository components also added
- Julie has drafted recommendations for documentation working group to continue this work
- Recommend adding links to existing Hyku and avalon documentation as it is pretty complete
Hyrax/Valkyrie/Fedora 6
- Draft PR on valkyrie for configurable pair trees
- Randall will be adding additional documentation to readme
- Hyrax changes need to wait for Valkyrie stuff to be merged.
- Randall will work on this more next week and is invited to join the maintenance working group stand-ups
- Encoded slash issue is still present, which breaks Fedora 6. We may be able to skip checking for default admin set entirely, but might not work for migrations
Freyja migration adapter
- Identified and fixed bugs that will be applied to double-combo branch.
- Solved 0 byte file size issue
- Multiple pcdm uses that will be applied to migrated file objects. this may be a new thing brought in by freyja
- hyku code wasn't using versioned file storage adapter. Daniel switched it over for dassie, but found that thumbnail and file were being stored as different versions in the same storage adapter file. This needs to be addressed still.
Hyrax Accessibility Audit
- Created comparison of EU Accessibility Directive and WCAG 2.1 Guidelines with recommendations for further work. Rebekah will send to Heather next week, so please make any edits before then.
- Julie finished checking the authenticated pages in the Accessibility list spreadsheet
- Several issues look to be related and might be fixable with a CSS change. Rebekah added comments to existing issues listing affected pages.
- Rebekah will continue to work on ticketing next week during the maintenance sprint.
Change ordered_aggregation relationships for Avalon and possibly Hyrax
- Rewrote Avalon migration from ordered_aggregation to JSON array of ids to be lazy and in-place.
- Tests running now. Will probably have some failures that need to be resolved but so far looking promising.
- Next steps will be to do some manual testing (QA and performance) specifically on pre-existing data.
- https://github.com/avalonmediasystem/avalon/pull/5778
Everyone was prepared to work on the topics
Congress went smoothly due to prep work
Documentation work is a good topic for non-developers and should continue in future devcons. Developers can check accuracy
More participation from folks outside of the usual group
In person meetings for folks located close together
Code4Lib may have impacted participation. Perhaps we should be more mindful of conferences when scheduling future devcons.
Valkyrie work was unfamiliar, so there was a learning curve
, multiple selections available,
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