Developer Congress - November 16-18 2020

Developer Congress - November 16-18 2020

 Table of Contents

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who participated for a successful Developers Congress! Notes from our wrap-up meeting include final group updates and a plus/delta retrospective to help us inform our next Congress. 


This is the Developer Congress held annually in concert with Samvera Connect. This year the dates are a bit after the conference itself, considering the conference days are spread out and the Connect planning committee was striving to avoid conflicts with other library and tech events.  

In this wiki, you will find information on Dates and meeting times, a place to propose Topics and see what others are proposing, and support information on successfully using remote Co-development Technologies.  If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to contact anyone in the Planning Group directly or ask your question in the developer-congress Slack channel.

To help us plan, please indicate your intention to attend by signing up below.

We look forward to seeing you and working together to move our community development forward.  


Monday November 16th - Wednesday November 18th, 2020. (https://princeton.zoom.us/j/96247031630?pwd=blpZY0RXT3prWlFCa1U4aXczdzFCQT09)

  We will meet as a full group for a kick-off, check-in, and wrap-up.

  • Monday, November 16 - 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern for kick-off (topic list)
  • Tuesday, November 17 - 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern for check-in (check-in notes)
  • Wednesday, November 18 - 12 PM Pacific/3 PM Eastern for wrap-up (wrap-up notes)

Download .ICS Calendar File

The remainder of the time will be self-organized by selecting a Topic of interest and connecting with the Topic Facilitator.


To propose a topic or express interest in a topic, go to the Topic List Page.  There you will find...

  • a recommended checklist for information to include in the proposal
  • an example
  • the table of proposed topics

On that page you can...

  • add a topic to the table of topics
  • identify yourself as a facilitator for your topic or a topic proposed by others
  • indicate your interest in one or more topics

Signup to Participate

Add your name below if you plan to attend.  Note to contribute to the code base, you must have signed a CLA for contributor - CLA PDF

You can also propose topics and add your name to the Interested in column of the Proposed Topics on the Topic List page.

  1. Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
  2. Anna Headley (Princeton)
  3. Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  4. Trey Pendragon (Princeton)
  5. Alexandra Dunn (UCSB)
  6. Kait Sewell (Notch8)
  7. tamsin woo (UCSB)
  8. Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
  9. Juliet Hardesty (Indiana)
  10. Daniel Pierce (Indiana)
  11. Adam J. Arling (Northwestern)
  12. Divya Katpally (Northwestern)
  13. Chris Colvard (Deactivated) (Ubiquity Press)
  14. Jon Cameron (Indiana)
  15. phuongdh (Indiana)
  16. Rob Kaufman (Notch8)
  17. @Dananji Withana
  18. add your name here

Need access to the Samvera wiki?  See instructions for signing up for the wiki and community email lists at Samvera's Get in touch! page. 


Communication will primarily be through:

See Communication section on the Co-development Technologies page for additional information.

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