2024-05-29 Outreach & Engagement notes
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
@Kevin Kochanski
@Adam J. Arling
@Karen Cariani
@Molly Reed
@Alicia Morris
@Heather Greer Klein
@Chris Awre
Your name here!
Agenda & Notes
Architecture for Samvera websites
Adam has a hyku draft site (Hyku ), and has worked on figuring out the Contentful user grouping and space process to see if it is possible to create teams to only see and access for example, Samvera.org or Hyku resources. Uses what they call an “environment” for this isolation in Contentful.
It’s so easy to move content now! Thank you Adam!
Even though we are setting up a static site, Adam is setting things up so that Contentful changes are instantly updated to the website.
Kevin has created issues and James can help next week as well to smooth out any bugs.
To go live we need to remove placeholder content, work through footer bug, add lead copy content for each page, add to the Getting Started page, and then handle the DNS - point it to Github DNS. Michael Klein can help with this. Also good idea to archive or export the content of existing Hyku page Github code.
Upcoming press releases
Antleaf and British Library partners
Announce new Hyku website - can do after June 17th when Heather is back
ACRL book chapter when it is released
Regional meetings when all dates are set
Meeting schedule for the summer - will go to one meeting each month
Cancelling June 12 and moving to once a month
Other discussion items/ what’s next
Making the case documents - finishing them, Molly can make document versions
Other subdomains
Samvera repository tour - review existing content and add additional repositories
Planning early Dec online regional meeting wrap-up
Other press releases?
Action items: