Connect 2 Planning matrix

Connect 2 Planning matrix

Draft Conference Themes

  • Overriding Themes
    • Create new connections with prospective adopters
    • Immerse new and prospective adopters into the Hydra way
    • Deepen connections and spawn new collaborations
  • Focused Sub-Themes
    • Explore How the Community Works (Development Practices, Projects, Collaboration, Organizing)
    • Updates from the Hydra Community and other synergetic communities (e.g. Duraspace, APTrust) 
    • Explore Emerging Solutions/Technology
    • Showcase community solutions and success stories in Hydra

Timings are essentially arbitrary at this stage!  Timings originated from last year's meeting but can be changed if warranted.

Monday morning 

Monday afternoon 

   Fedora 4 Committers?
Monday eveningSign up dinners

Tuesday 8.00 - 9.00


Coffee and pastries
Tues 9.00 - 10.30

Detailed demos/case studies of production systems

Hydra@Hull - Richard Green

Avalon - Michael Klein

ScholarSphere - Carolyn Cole and Patricia Hwse

Room: Ballroom



(Bess Sadler and Jack Reed)

Count: 20 (27)

Room: 215


Test-Driven Development

(Adam Wead)

Count: 31 (41)

Room: Dampeer

Tues 11.00 - 12.30

Dive into Hydra (Part 1)

(Bess Sadler, Mark Bussey)

Count: 23 (31)

Room: 215

Hydra for (new) Managers 

(Chris Awre, Tom Cramer, Robin Ruggaber, ?Karen Cariani)

Branch into afternoon with more structured content on Hydra head ancestry

Count: 24 (32)

Room: LL06B & C


How to migrate a Hydra head from one version of Hydra to another (not just previous to next version)? what to expect, what to look out for?

(Dan Brubaker Horst, Adam Wead, call out to community list?)

emphasis on aspects for managers to consider (e.g. resourcing, complexity, etc.)

Count: 9 (13)

Room: LL06A


(Tom Johnson and Karen Estlund)

49 (63)


Hydra Labs

(Carolyn Cole)



Tues 1.45 - 3.15

Dive into Hydra (Part 2)

Count: 23 ( 31)

Room: 215

How to manage a hydra project

(Julie Rudder and Mark Notess and? Will Cowan available, Karen Cariani?)

Count: 34 (42)

Room: LL06 B & C

Building Hydramata-Works and Worthwhile

(Jeremy Friesen, Justin Coyne?)

Count: 37 (50)

Room: Dampeer

DevOps for Hydra

(Erin Fahy and Chris Beer)

Count: 25 (33)

Room: Thwing Meeting Room A

Tues 3.45 - 5.15

Intro to Blacklight Hydra UX (Usability, and User Experience, and Dev focused) (Jesse Keck?, Mark Bussey?)

Count: 29 (36)

Room: Dampeer

How to manage agile development

(Jack Reed, Rose Pruyne)

Count: 25 (32)

Room: LL06 B & C

Fedora 4 / Hydra test drive, and roadmap planning

(Andrew Woods, Esme Crowles)

Count: 64 (84)

Room: Thwing Ballroom

Tues EveningBeer bus
Wednesday 8.00 - 9.00Registration
Coffee and pastries
Wed 9.00-10.30

Opening plenary 

Welcome Remarks (10 min)

Slot 1: State of the HydraSphere (20 min) (Tom Cramer)

Slot 2: Hydra for All and the Hydra Way Panel:

  • Framing the Discussion: Development Frameworks or Solution Bundles? A look at the Evolving Expectations of our Solutions, Adopters, and Wider Community (Addressing Dev'ing in Echo Chamber Rant Discussion) (10 min) (Rick Johnson)
  • Panel Q & A (50 min)
  • 4-5 person Panel should include at least 1 new adopter, 1 Hydra partner using Hydra as framework, 1 Hydra partner developing or using out-of-the-box solution, 1 steering member, 1 developer, 1 development manager (some panelists would cover 2 of these concerns) (Robin Ruggaber, Chris Beer?, Jon Dunn, Roger Zender (Case Western)?)


Wed 11.00 - 12.30

Spotlight on New Attendee Institution(s) #1 (10 min):

Throughout conference have new attendees grouped from a few institutions introduce themselves and speak to 'Why Hydra?' and 'What they want to get out the conference?' Also, highlight some veteran institutions as well.

Keeping structure loose for now that could be mix of short presentations and lightning talks (some 10 minutes, some 5)?

After call to fill out list, review and plug in arrange appropriately

Lightning Talks/Presentations (10 minute pres,5 7 min lightning talks) (Need to include project updates? Or in Poster session?): Spotlight demo, Hydra on top of Fedora 4 demo

Facilitator: Mark Bussey

Spotlight, Avalon Update, Hydramata Update,Curate, Sufia, Worthwhile

Oregon Digital: Moving from CONTENTdm to Hydra,

APTrust and Hydra, UX, Usability, DevOps topics

Report from Interest and Working Groups

Patterns for Internationalization (LT leading into workgroup/unc)

Wed 1.45 - 3.00

Spotlight on New Attendee Institution(s) #2 (10 min)

Minute madness about Posters, Facilitator: Declan Fleming

Poster Show and Tell Session (including Project updates) (Part 1)


Wed 3.00 - 4.15Poster Show and Tell Session (including Project updates) (Part 2)

Wed 4.15 - 5.15

Spotlight on New Attendee Institution(s) #3 (10 min):

Voting on Unconference Topics (in some tool and/or doodle poll?), Lightning round overview of them

 Additional topic of interest to MGR: "Strategic hiring and position development for Hydra shops in libraries. What kinds of roles are emerging or being re-cast/re-thought as the result of expanded, deepening commitment to a Hydra infrastructure at academic libraries?"

(Free Beer Please for Developers) 
Wed EveningConference dinner
Thursday 8.00 - 9.00Coffee

Thursday 9.00 - 9.45

2 presentations

Slot 1: What does Fedora (do for the Hydra stack)? and Why is Fedora 4 a good option for my needs?

(Andrew Woods, ?)

Slot 2: Running Hydra in a small (1-dev) shop

(Adam Wead+Richard Green)

Count: 41 (55)

Room: Ballroom

Slot 1: Empowering the Community Through a Framework for Interest Groups and Working Groups (Robin Ruggaber, and/or Rob Sandersson?)

Slot 2: One Year with Hydra: what we know now; what we wish we knew earlier

(Glen Horton, Thomas Sherz)

Count: 39 (52)

Room: Dampeer

Slot 1: How can YOU contribute to Sufia? (Adam Wead and Carolyn Cole)

Slot 2: Hydramata Works and Flow (Jeremy Friesen)

Count: 40 (54)

Room: LL06 (A, B ,& C)

9.45 - 10.00BreakBreakBreak 

10.00 - 11.00

3 presentations or 1 panel

60 min Panel:

Lessons Learned: Multiple to Single to Multiple Institution Development (Sharing Code vs Shared Development, Avalon, Curate, Hydramata, Spotlight, In general with Hydra)

(Julie Rudder - Northwestern
Mark Bussey - DCE
David Chandek-Stark - Duke
Jeremy Friesen or Dan Brubaker-Horst - Notre Dame

 Robin Ruggaber - Chair)

Count: 36 (48)

Room: Ballroom

60 min Panel:

Common approaches to service management for an implemented Hydra head (e.g., ScholarSphere, Stanford Digital Repository, etc.) - what if we could come up with requirements for a service manager toolkit?”

(Patricia Hswe, Hannah Frost, Claire Stewart)

Count: 29 (39)

Room: Dampeer

Slot 1: Converting Metadata to Linked Data (Karen Estlund)

Slot 2: 'Hydra on top of Fedora 4? A review of technical progress and strategies to date"

(Andrew Woods + Fedora Dev TBD)

Slot 3: 'How to migrate from Fedora 3 to 4' (Andrew Woods + Fedora Dev TBD)

Count: 62 (82)

Room: LL06 (A, B ,& C)

11.00 - 11.15BreakBreak 

Thurs 11.15 - 12.30

Lightning Talks

MGR Lightning Talks

(insert Link to sign up sheet here)

Thwing Ballroom

Dev Lightning Talks

(insert Link to sign up sheet here)

LL06 A, B, & C


Transition to Unconference

Thurs 1.45 - 4.45

(Insert link to unconference topic list here)

Thurs 4.45 - 5.15

Conference wrap up

(Insert What is Next for Hydra (Goals for next year) / wrap up of strategic themes (Tom Cramer and/or Steering committee give impressions of the conference here?))

Thurs Evening 

Friday 9.00 - 5.00

Lunch break 12.30-1.45


Insert Link to list of suggested working group topics

Identify leader for working group (grabs room)

Self-organize and then assign rooms

People that have registered

Take stab at grouping into tracks


Steering Group
Sufia Futures (works, fedora 4, etc.)
Hydra RDF Working Group (check in and reinvigorate effort)

Mediated deposit approaches/workflows - where do you start, and what are the critical paths for building this arm of a Hydra-based service, especially if one already has the self-deposit component well in place?

building the hydra community - how to and why we should
using contracted vendors to help with a hydra project - how to, challenges, case studies
Patterns for Internationalization: How do we structure our software, documentation, communication, and community to support an increasingly international audience?
Hydra Digital Preservation working group
Building regional Hydra user groups (like Boston/New England)
Avalon Together: Running point on an Avalon pilot? Join us.

Hydra UX - how is the Hydra community engaging users of their products as they’re being developed and maintaining that outward-facing perspective as a service is launched and evolves? What are common methods/tools/approaches we could be sharing and putting out there for others to test out/critique/adopt?

Hydra in Archives (HAWG, B-EAD-L)
Digital Preservation Working Group (DPWG)
Core Gems Committers
  • Update Hierarchy of Promises 
  • Relationship to Fedora 4
  • Release Mgmt process
  • What is our longer term vision?
  • How do we get more committers?
  • Are the committers calls working?
Documentation WG
Training WG
Mktg WG



5.00 - 5.15

Report outs

Farewell and Final Sendoff

Fri Evening 

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