March 20, 2014

March 20, 2014




  • Richard Green
  • Mark Bussey
  • Ginnie Dressler
  • Chris Awre
  • Patrick Feeley



  1. Facilitator: Richard Green and note taker: Mark Bussey
  2. Additions/changes to agenda
  3. Confirmation of conference dates (Tuesday 30 September - Friday 3 October) - Confirmed
    1. Draft announcement at  Save the dates for Connect 2
  4. Confirmation of rooms
    1. Ballroom Wednesday - Friday inclusive - Confirmed
    2. Spartan, Meeting Room A, 1914, LL01, LL06 all Tuesday - Friday inclusive  - Confirmed
  5. Setup/cleanup
    1. Have this done by the professionals? - Will have Case facilities staff handle setup
  6. Fixed & variable costs
    1. Are CWRU still happy to shoulder all the room and equipment costs? Planned to come out of Case funds - approximately $1,500-$2,000
    2. Refreshments to come from Attendance fee - TBD based on final registration numbers
    3. Is there a standard CWRU hotels list so that we can start investigating block bookings, or does CWRU have permanent discount arrangements (which we would want to check extend to large numbers of rooms)? - Try to get minimum possible block rooms and extend block as necessary rather than committing to full 150
      • Subsequent to call, from Ginnie:
         The Courtyard Marriott can accommodate us, but here are some conditions:

        -Block rate is $139/night (1 king or 2 queens)

         -Blocks can be done in groups of 20 (or less)
         -Cancellations can be done up to 6pm day before arrival
         -There is a shuttle option to campus (though we are so close, we may not need this, but might be handy for those who may not want to walk, or after dark)- Shuttle runs 7AM to 10PM. (Walk is about 5 mins)
         -Valet parking is only option for hotel (Billed $20/day) *On campus options are $10/day to park at Severance Hall lot (underground lot between KSL and Thwing)
        -Taxi or RTA transportation from airport
        Patrick and I went ahead and put in a block for the first 20 rooms from Sept 27-Oct 4th. As the 20 rooms fill, the supervisor will call Patrick on a weekly basis to update the block. 
  7. CWRU team when Ginnie has moved on
    1. Patrick Feeley and Mahmoud Audu 
    2. do we also need a more "senior" person to contact in case of bureaucracy problems? Roger Zender
  8. Any other business
  9. Date of next meeting (3rd April 1630BST, 1030CDT, 1130EDT)

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