October 9, 2014
October 9, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Facilitator: Rick Johnson
Notetaker: Tom Cramer
Connect Organizer Notetaker: Richard Green
Attendees: Patrick Feeley, Tom, Richard, Rick, Chris, Mark, Bess
Agenda & Notes
What happened last week? What did you observe?
- amazing! number of attendees, level of engagement, what happened but also how well it was organized, community as a whole
Lets walk through the Hydra Connect Manual to structure the debrief
- General Organizing
- Financial
- Booking
- Registration
- Content
- Now that it's all over...
General Organization
- Overall: did a pretty good job
- one minor complaint = too many emails, and too many fill in lists
- this is a hard one: participation and input is important
- perhaps we can do more on consolidating messages?
- on the other hand, too few emails is also bad, and the presentation and flow of info on the wiki was better than good (personal opinion)
- Overall comments:
- getting power strips / extensions cords in the meeting
- event mismatched to size of room: having small groups in ballroom can be problematic
- mobile microphones critical for the ballroom
- coffee was good
- should we have had an extra email
- having coffee in library and main event in ballroom was not ideal
- wifi was excellent!
- Social Events
- Monday: newcomer welcome dinner was lightly attended.
- Many people got in late due to travel
- Were there enough hosts to take people to local eateries? Did people know where the eateries were?
- possibly do newcomers on the 2nd night (night of workshop)?
- Tuesday: Beer Bus was a success–lots of people out early in the conference, lots of conversation. Some comments on the expense of the bus (relative to taxis...)
- consider non-alcohol focused events to parallel the beer bus (which was o
- Wednesday: Jolly Scholar on Weds night was good
- Monday: newcomer welcome dinner was lightly attended.
- Financial
- Summary
- $55 per person
- $8702 total income
- less eventbrite fees, net = $8011
- one $55 refund to pay out
- dinner on Weds is paid for
- catering is still open, but price was set
- t-shirts payment still open (Lynn/Mark)
- CWRU also paid directly for facilities (thanks CWRU!)
- t-shirts are a significant part of ticket price
- overlap with OR distribution, too, makes some people not want them
- issues with getting right sizes
- but the t-shirts
- people like the low low cost of the conference
- Summary
- Booking
- Hotels
- blocks of 20 rooms; expanded at least three times – approximately 80 rooms booked in the block
- some people didn't use the block
- some people ended up at Doubletree
- some people ended up at Air BNB
- Patrick will check in with hotel.
- blocks of 20 rooms; expanded at least three times – approximately 80 rooms booked in the block
- EventBrite for event registration
- ask about t-shirts more regularly
- ask people to share email on the reg form
- look at getting a couple more admins into EventBrite to help generate reports
- Hotels
- Conference Content
- Schedule
- Tuesday: Workshops were great!
- Wednesday plenary was fast paced, covered good range of topics
- Thursday: also good, though unconference topics was kind of light
- Friday: felt a lot like the old quarterly partner meetings (this is a good thing)
- end of day attrition was noticeable, but lots of people came
- Content
- lots of interest in more training
- could we get more participation?
- some people came in with a "consumer" attitude
- Lightning Talks
- good overall
- some people didn't know they were on the hook
- Spotlight on New Attendees was awesome
- but maybe we should ask different questions of different groups
- sessions seemed somewhat short
- run unconferences longer?
- run Friday WG meetings longer?
- we were running 5 tracks at a time
- but short conferences
- possibly run through lunch?
- spreads the lunch rush out
- Tuesday was too crowded at the Jolly Scholar, but
- show off the different applications that were built with Hydra
- Hydra Showcase very early in the conference?
- possibly do more demos throughout the conference... like the
- look at demos during the poster session?
- Poster session was excellent
- having the posters printed & there was fantastic
- CWRU funded this. should we build this into budget in future? perhaps without mounting costs
- possibly have a recommended size that can be reasonable
- some confusion on difference between WG/IGs and Unconference tracks. Focus on messaging?
- also make clear who is welcome to come to WGs
- Schedule
- Now that's its all over
- Lets do a post-event survey
- Google Forms?
- Richard will send out a survey
- starting with Mark Notess questions from last year
- will add anything that we want to add
- Lets do a post-event survey
- Logistics
- pens
- stickies
- white boards
- projectors
- have lots of easels for posters
, multiple selections available,