May 15 and 16th, 2014

May 15 and 16th, 2014

Notes from 15th in blue

Notes from 16th in green


  • Richard Green
  • Mark Bussey
  • Chris Awre 
  • Patrick Feeley  (apologies 15th)
  • Ginnie Dressler (apologies 15th)


Draft Agenda

  1. Additions/changes to agenda
  2. Matters arising from previous minutes: April 17 2014
  3. Progress reports
    1. Total room hire costs: update
    2. Invitation to submit workshop proposals - sent out 21 April
      1. Reminder to be sent out 5/19
      2. On Hydra Steering Group agenda for 5/23 to get a checklist of what we need to offer so that we can solicit it
    3. Eventbrite site
      1. Draft site reviewed.  Agreement to get only essential information here and to follow up with a SurveyMonkey at the beginning of September to try and get numbers for workshops, numbers for tracks, dietary requirements etc.  Mark to try and separate job title and organization into two fields in the EventBrite defaults. Needs a prominent link to the Connect 2 wiki page (indicating that booking and program info etc is there, and also the details and link for the beer bus sign up)
  4. Conference fee
    1. What do we need to charge for?
      1. T-shirt: 2014 price yet?  (no, $13.25 in 2013)
        1. Richard to check with Tom whether it would be useful to collect tshirt size requirements via EventBrite - email 5/16
      2. Refreshments (what/when/how much?) 
        1. Requirements as in the 4/17 minutes
        2. When will they need firm numbers?
        3. Patrick to check the set up charge - is it charged once daily or per session (early morning AND morning break)
        4. Coffee/tea $2/person/session
        5. Nibbles essentially $1 per time (pastries $13/doz, scones/banana bread $10/ten servings)
        6. Do charges include any tax and gratuities - Patrick to check
      3. Conference meal (what/when/where/how much?)
        1. Book Jolly Scholar for Wed at 5.30pm - plan on 100+ with 150 cap.
        2. Does the $10 per head include tax and gratuities? Patrick to check.
        3. When do they need final numbers?
        4. Please can we see the suggested menu some time in advance
      4. Budget worksheet at https%3a%2f%2fdocs.google.com%2fspreadsheets%2fd%2f1hg4teH4ZPosol-hx8leoPejkOM8n9vaVz5bss7UR9Hg%2fedit
    2. See and do around CWRU - Cleveland area links - Google doc from Patrick
      1. Richard to work with Patrick and Ginnie to turn this into a wiki page
  5. Any other business
    1. Hotel:  need to check with Patrick that our commitment with the hotel is only to the first 20 rooms and that, after that, anyone who uses the booking site will get a room subject to availability but that we have no commitment to fill (say) the next block of 20.
    2. Free tickets: Richard to contact Case and ask how many people are likely to take food with us (registered via free tickets on EventBrite).  If there are no food implications Case staff are welcome just to pop in without prior registration. - email 5/16
    3. Newbies and tire-kickers: suggestion we are up front that we will not provide explicitly for them on Friday - to be discussed with Steering.
    4. Tracks:  need to decide what tracks we are offering (and what to label them) - discuss with Steering.
      1. Then need to get outline PDF schedule set up to reference from booking site.  Mark will take this on as last time.
    5. Beer bus:
      1. Tuesday night so that new folks can mix
      2. Cleveland locals to arrange separate from main EventBrite site with link on organization page.  Beer bus Eventbrite site to be set up initially for max 40 but with a wait list which can potentially be used to fill additional capacity as required.
    6. Spreadsheet started to estimate meeting costs at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hg4teH4ZPosol-hx8leoPejkOM8n9vaVz5bss7UR9Hg/edit#gid=0
  6. DONM:  29 May 
    1. Additional call to be arranged as soon as possible to deal with items deferred in Patrick's absence.  Friday 16 May - 0830 Cleveland
    2. Patrick on vacation for next call (5/29) but can probably join.  Outstanding financial details to be emailed to group prior in any case.
    3. Ideally this 5/29 meeting will set the ticket price

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