April 17, 2014
- Richard Green
- Mark Bussey
Chris Awre(apologies)- Patrick Feeley
Ginnie Dressler(apologies)
Draft Agenda
- Facilitator: Richard Green
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Matters arising from previous minutes: April 3 2014
- Progress reports
- Total room hire costs: update
Nothing new. Patrick will advise us when details for the new building come out. At that point we can see if any of these newly available rooms suit our purpose better. In the meantime we have the necessary bookings to cover our needs using the Library and Thwing. - Invitation to submit workshop proposals -
draft text here
Minor change suggested - offer slots of 1h, 2h, half-day, full-day (Lego bricks for the schedule!) rather than open ended slots. Email to go out Monday 21 April. Tweakable until then.
Don't propose to refuse good w/shop proposals that come in after the deadline in the email. - New Google group created for Connect organizers - hydra-connect@googlegroups.com
- Total room hire costs: update
- Conference fee
- What do we need to charge for?
- T-shirt: 2014 price yet? (no, $13.25 in 2013)
- Refreshments (what/when?) Need to decide what we're going to provide and check costs Original catering cost estimate in this Google doc
Provide drinks and nibbles (pastries, muffins etc) Tuesday first thing (only) for 50% of attendance (or for a firm figure if we have one from EventBrite)
Provide drinks and nibbles for all first thing Wednesday
Provide just drinks first thing Thursday and Friday
Top up drinks for mid-morning break Wednesday - Friday inclusive
Patrick to get firm pricing from Bon Appetit! - preferably on the basis of daily set-up cost + price per head (edit: price to include all gratuities and taxes) - Conference meal (what/when/where?)
Patrick to talk to Jolly Scholar again and ask if they will cater for us at 5.30pm on the Wednesday without closing. If so, take their advice on what is easy to do and quick to serve for that number (salad, hot food, vegetarian etc options) and at a fixed price (say in the $15-20 range). (edit: price to include all gratuities and taxes) - Eventbrite admin fee:
For Dublin came out at 3.8% (combination of admin and credit card processing) - budget for 4%
- What do we need to charge for?