Subject matter brainstorming

Subject matter brainstorming


What needs to be included in Connect #2?  Please add to table below and suggest format:


WS = workshop
PL = plenary
LT = lightning talk
PR = presentation (say 20 mins)
WG = Work group (Friday)

PS = Poster

NPA = New and prospective adopters

MGR = established managers

DEV = established developers

OTH = other



Subject matterSuggested presenter or
leader (optional) 
Suggested format(s)Suggested track
Suggested by
Hydra in Archives (HAWG, B-EAD-L)Adam or Mike GiarloWG AW

Hydra for (new) managers

Chris Awre, Karen Cariani, Robin RuggaberWSNPACA
Hydra for DevOpsErin Fahy, Chris BeerWS (2 hours) EF

Dive into Hydra


Test-driven development

Agile WSMGR, DEV, combined? 
Detailed demos/case studies of production systemsHull, Avalon and one contrasting otherWS (90 minute)NPARG
Code Retreat for HydraJeremy FriesenWS (whole day)DEVJF
Fedora 4 / Hydra test drive, and roadmap planningDuraSpace (Andrew, Esmé)WS (2 hrs - Half day) DuraSpace




Intro to Blacklight and Hydra UX WSNPACA/MN
Intro to Rails WSNPA 
State of the HydraSphereTomPLAll 
CIDER and Hydra Erin Faulder (Tufts)LT Erin in email to Mark
Digital Preservation Working Group (DPWG) WGAll 
ActiveTriples in ActionTom JohnsonLTDEV, NPARJ
Avalon UpdateJon Dunn/Claire Stewart/Michael KleinPRAll 
Moving Curate to HydramataRick Johnson/Dan Brubaker HorstLT/PR


Hydra and Fedora 4 UpdateChris Beer/Esme CowlesLTAllRJ
APTrust and HydraScott Turnbull/Robin RuggaberLT/PRAllRJ
Hydramata Works and FlowJeremy FriesenPRDev 
SpotlightStu Snydman/Gary GeislerPR/LT/PSAllRJ
AvalonJon Dunn/ Claire StewartPSAll 
HydramataRick Johnson/Dan Brubaker HorstPSAll 
SufiaAdam, Mike or Carolyn?PSAll 
Core Gems Committers
  • Update Hierarchy of Promises 
  • Relationship to Fedora 4
  • Release Mgmt process
  • What is our longer term vision?
  • How do we get more committers?
  • Are the committers calls working?
Documentation WG WG TC
Training WG WG TC
Hydra UK and open accessChris AwreLTMGR/NPACA
Hydra Europe PSNPACA
One Year with Hydra: what we know now; what we wish we knew earlierGlen Horton, Thomas ScherzPRNPA (with Developer perspective)LN
Running Hydra in a small (1-dev) shopAdam Wead, Chris/Richard, Steven NgPRNPA (for devs and managers)TC
HAWG update, future goalsAdam or Mike G.LT/PRAllAW
Hydra Labs WSDEVAW
"The Hydra Way"Panel?PL - Panel? TC
Hydra for All (Stop Dev'ing in Echo Chamber Rant Discussion)Panel?PLAllTC
Lessons Learned: Single vs. Multiple Institution Development (Hydramata)Panel?PL/PRAllRJ
The Hydra Way: Development Frameworks or Solution Bundles, A look at the evolving expectations from our solutions and adopters PL/PRAllTC/RJ