Tuesday 27th January

Tuesday 27th January



Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#



Karen Cariani (WGBH)
Tom Cramer (Stanford) (Facilitator)
Richard Green (Hull) (Note taker)
Julie Rudder (Northwestern)
Jim Tuttle (Duke)


Agenda and notes

  1.  Roll call
    1. Welcome any new folks
    2. Facilitator and note taker for this call?
      Tom agreed to facilitate, Richard to note-take. 
    3. Call for agenda items
  2. Next call
    1. Date? Tuesday February 10th, 8.00am PT, 11.00am ET, 4.00pm GMT
    2. Facilitator? tbd
    3. Note taker? tbd
  3. Discussion of Hydra Web Presence Working Group
    1. Acceptable?  Yes
    2. Modifications?
      Suggested that we should have an interim report before the various Hydra meetings at the end of March, and a final report before OR2015 in June.  Aim to have Hydra's revamped presence up and running before Hydra Connect #3 (noting that incremental changes could be made along the way). 
  4. First steps
    1. a list of primary users of the website and wiki (and Github) and  the key information needs of each user type (effectively, persona generation)

Last April's Power Steering meeting generated, for marketing purposes, a list of stakeholders:

      • * CFO
      • * CIO
      • * CTO
      • * University Librarians / head library director
      • * Provost
      • * VP of Research
      • * Medical School
      • * Senior leadership in IT, enterprise architect types
      • * Large(r) IT consultancy firms - product oriented
      • * General council office and tech transfer (several +1s)
      • * Purchasing
      • * Computational scientists - HPC folk supporting faculty
      • * Administrative computing
      • * Managers of research infrastructure (eg DH data center managers)
      • * Office of sponsored programs
      • * Faculty senate
      • * Drupallers (!)
      • * IT managers & sys admins (who don’t have RoR / Agile / Hydra experience...)
      • ...and not forgetting academic staff

We note that all are not equally important and that the list is incomplete for our needs (where are developers, for instance?).  Need to review and refine the list and, on the next call, rank it.  Can then arrange to interview real examples of each to establish what they would like from Hydra's web presence.  Julie has extensive experience of generating personas and will advise.  We should likely be strategic about who we pick for interview and pick people "on the bubble".  Julie and Tom have access to personas generated for other work and will share - the structure will be helpful as well as, possibly, the detail.

      • a proposal for an overarching information architecture for the wiki and website (deferred until personas and website survey completed)
        •  that lays out complementary content for each vehicle (wiki, website, Github)

b.  survey of other websites
We will survey the web presence of other "comparable" organisations and create a comparison matrix (now at  Web presence comparison matrix).  Each agreed to take a couple of organisations; we will ask Jim to sample one or two from the list to see if the rest of us are missing things.  Richard will seed the matrix with Hydra stuff.

  • Hydra website and wiki (RG)
  • Apereo (RG)
  • Fedora (JR)
  • DSpace (JR)
  • Apache Foundation (KC)
  • Islandora (KC)
  • Figshare (TC)
  • Bepress (RG)
  • Archivematica (TC)
  • Opencast (JR)

c.  other?  No.

  • Any other business  No.


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