Web presence comparison matrix


Please add lines to the table as you discover new elements that should be recorded.  ( / ) (no spaces) gives (tick), ( x ) (error), ( ? ) (question), ( i ) (info), ( * ) (star)

  • PrHy = Project Hydra
  • HyWk = Hydra wilki
  • Aper = Apereo
  • Fed = Fedora
  • DSp = DSpace
  • Apa = Apache Foundation
  • Isl = Islandora
  • Fig = Figshare
  • BPr = Bepress
  • Arc = Archivematica
  • Opc = Opencast


Responsive design(error)(error)(error)(tick)(tick)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Multilingual(error) Few pages in Spanish and Chinese  (error)(error)(error)(error)(tick)(question)(sort of)(error)
Search tool(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(question) (repo search not site search)(tick)(error)(tick)
News channel / blog(tick) (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick) (tick)(tick)(tick)
Philosophy behind our product(tick) (tick)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(question) (not really)(error)(question) (not really)(tick)

(error)(question) (not really)

(tick) (buried on wiki)

(error)(question) (not really)
What our product does (general)(tick) (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(question)(sort of- more on wiki)(tick)  (features & benefits)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Examples of product(s) in use(tick) (tick)(tick)(tick)(error)(tick)